Christianity,  Sports

Drew Brees on His Faith

Drew Brees sat down for an interview with Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about football and his faith. While he doesn’t talk about the gospel or what church he attends, his conversion testimony sounds like something one would experience in a church associated with the evangelical movement. He also says that coming to New Orleans was a “calling” for him. He believes that the shoulder injury that ended his career in San Diego and that brought him to New Orleans was the work of God. There’s also talk about his charitable work and his involvement with FCA.

I am a Christian, and I am a sports fan. So I have great interest in these kinds of stories. There are, however, numerous points in this interview that I wish the reporter would have probed more deeply about his faith. What kind of church did he grow up in and where does he attend now? Were his parents Christians? What is his understanding of the gospel and has it changed over the years? How did his Christianity help him cope with the death of his estranged mother?

In any case, it’s an interesting interview, and Christian sportsfans should have a look.


  • Cliff Mathis

    His “home church” so to speak is FBC Austin where the Brees family are long-time active members. FBC Austin ran an announcement last year congratulating Drew’s parents, Amy and Chip, upon the birth of Drew’s son.

    Not exactly your kind of Baptist church as FBC Austin is a leading progressive congregation among “moderate Baptists.”

  • David Vinzant

    Why is that evangelicals get so excited about athletes that share their faith? I don’t observe other religious groups – Catholics, Episcopalians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists – getting so worked up about their own religious jocks.

    Does latching on to Brees, Tebow, McCoy, et al, somehow boost evangelicals’ self-confidence? Or is it the idea that celebrity jock endorsements will boost conversions, especially among the young and impressionable? Or something else entirely?

  • Nate

    David: Speaking for myself I wouldn’t say that it boosts self-confidence. I would say that with the worship of celebrity in today’s culture, any believer in Christ who works or performs in the arena of celebrity, yet stands and says that Christ is the most important thing in their life does make an impression on the younger generation. In am era of self-worship and celebrity that is something to get excited about. Not the only thing, but certainly one thing.

  • A.J.

    David: Maybe the other religious groups don’t share the same zeal for sharing their faith that evangelicals do. We get worked up when celebrities share their Faith in Christ because we know that they have a bigger audience than most, and when someone shares their Faith in Christ with this bigger audience, then more people will inevitably hear the Gospel. This is something to get excited about!

  • Jmiah

    He also dedicated the Saints success to Karma in another interview when asked where all the credit should go?

    Stand up Christian answer: To karma be the glory, right?

  • Jmiah

    Found the karma interview.

    “I definitely believe in destiny, and I believe in karma and what comes goes around comes around,’’ said Brees, who completed 35 of 49 passes for 419 yards. “We have been on the other side of this deal probably too many times. Maybe it’s our time that we start catching some of the breaks and start being the team that wins them like this in the end. I feel like if you continue to do things the right way, then good things happen to you.’’

    Sounds like Brees believes anything that might help.

  • David Vinzant


    So is the worship of celebrity a good thing or a bad thing? You seem to decry it, but in the next breath you seem to think Christians should get on board with their own celebrity worship. Is it a case of: if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em?

    IMO, most athletes are very supersticious and will pretty much go with anything that seems to help them win, whether it be Jesus, deceased loved ones, rabbit’s feet, or pre-game rituals.

  • brian


    The worship of anything or anyone that is not the one, true and living God as He has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ is bad, for He is the only Person worthy of glory, honor, and the praise of the hearts and lips of men. If that affection lands anywhere else, it is idolatry. To be certain, authentic believers, having been saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ, then strive to love God alone and supremely, but admittedly imperfectly. It is quite different, however, for the unbeliever, who at every moment is unaware of the God who made him for His own glory, whose life is one of perpetual idolatry, as he constantly desires to reject the only One worthy of worship.

    In one sense, you bring a valid point – we should not worship celebrities or celebrity. However, I think that idea trying to be conveyed here is that Christians are certainly excited to hear that a person, whether he be a celebrity or not, has any inclination to love Jesus Christ, to trust Him for salvation, because if it is so, it is surely the evidence of God’s grace in that person’s life. And after all, that is how conversion is effected – not by the statements of celebrities, but by the grace of God – it is a spiritual reality.

    Grace to you, friend.

  • bill294

    I am wondering why people seek out a link such as this and then are critical of its content? I believe they are likely seeking…but i am just curious. I would think people would have better things to do than running around the internet putting down the religion of others.

  • Weston


    Evangelicals are deeply interested in spreading their faith because we know the transformative powers it has. It isn’t just a club or a clan, we know Christianity as the intended state of man and we love it when influential people do things that encourage people to consider committing to Christ.

    Celebrity worhsip is just the perversion of our natural need for leadership. Excitement over good leaders is perfectly natural for everyone and doesn’t have to be “worship”.

    Pro athletes worker harder, have stiffer competition, and risk more than most people. People in that situation tend to own up to our need for God’s help more than others, that’s all. But some are superstitious too.

  • Terry

    Please remember – Drew Brees is a Catholic and not a Christian. If you don’t understand the difference, you probably aren’t saved yourself. Catholicism is the antithesis of biblical Christianity – study it out for yourselves. If you are saved, please pray that God would save Drew Brees from his lost condition. Yes, he may be a “nice” and even a “moral” man – but he needs salvation as much as any of us!

  • Sabio Lantz

    I agree, this was a canned pop-public interview. OK, I’m sure I am stepping on a beehive here, by criticizing the pop, sports celebrity. But I found this video nauseating. Drew Brees is preaching a version of the prosperity gospel here. His talk is full of common cultural quips. He says:

    “Everything happens for a reason.”

    “Everything works toward the greater good.”

    “Everything is a gift from God.”

    “No matter what comes in your way, you will be able to overcome it.”

    “God has it all planned out for ya.”

    “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything !”

    “If you do things the right way, good things will happen to you.”

    “Actions speak louder than words.”

    Everything he says is wrong except the last sentence. So, if it is his good actions that people admire, I get that, but should we be so uncritical to accept all the rest?

  • David

    What do you mean “prosperity gospel???” Prosperity gospel says “everything good that happens to me is from God”. Drew says everything is a gift from God. Including his shoulder injury, including making his home in a place like New Orleans after Katrina. Everything DOES happen for a reason. Everything DOES work for the greater good. Everything IS a gift from God. Our life IS planned by God. Even the other statements, with a slight modification, are not prosperity gospel…No matter what comes in your way, you will be able to overcome it-with God’s help…If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything-with God’s help…
    His point is that, no matter what, ask God’s help. Stop asking “Why?” and start asking “What for?”.

  • David

    Terry, “Catholic” is the epitome of Christian. The first Christians, the apostles and Mary, were Catholic. Regarding we Catholic’s salvation, we know that that isn’t determined until our death, and our life is judged in its entirety. Come over to my blog if you want to discuss this, civilly…

  • David

    Sabio, you cannot judge what the man means by his words. But Drew is no Joel Osteen, thank God.

    Kinda makes it sound like you don’t believe God is working in our lives…

  • Billiot

    I don’t know if Brees is a Catholic or not but we need to remember two things. First, he is an athlete. Not to call him dumb but don’t expect him to be as articulate about the faith as say the Pope. Second, protestantism is not Christianity. The things that protestants teach are in direct opposition to the teachings and commands of Jesus. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. If protestants would just stop worshiping the bible long enough to actually READ some of it then they would see clearly that you have to be Catholic to truly worship and obey God since the Mass is the only worship God accepts and He commands us to do it.

  • Sharon Mager

    Just a clarification – Evangelicals hurt the cause when they say Catholics are not Christians. True Christianity is having a relationship with Jesus, accepting Him as savior and because Jesus lives in us we live a life that glorifies Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. There are many so called Christians within the evangelical movement who are living a lie as there are in Catholicism. It all boils down to authentic relationship.

  • Destiny

    I’m a little confused by some of the above comments—“the first Christians, the Apostles and Mary, were Catholic”. Where does the Bible say that?? They were JEWSIH. Jesus was Jewish, the promised Messiah who came to die for the sins of all mankind, and who rose again on the third day, defeating death, hell, and the grave. To say that we can’t know where we are going until we are dead is not Biblical either. The Bible tells us we can KNOW we are Children of God. I believe that you can be Catholic and a follower of Jesus as much as I believe you can be a Jew and a Christian but anyone who puts the traditions of their faith above what the scriptures clearly tells us, is idolitry. I like what Sharon said, it’s about an AUTHENTIC relationship with Jesus Christ. Mass doesn’t save you anymore than being a churchgoer saves you—it’s the Blood of Jesus that redeems us from sin not being apart of a particular denomination.

  • Richard

    Who is a Christian?

    Some Protestants like to say that they are the only ones saved. They accuse Catholics of idolatry yet King Solomon had statues in his temple. There was also an ample amount of valuable metals and fine linens along with incense. We know that God blessed it.
    They say that Mary was not really that special of a woman yet the bible clearly states she was “exulted amongst women”. Jesus followed the Ten Commandments of one which says: “Honor thy father and mother.” Why would Jesus not do what his mother asks of him? If God gives grace and the power to heal to humans, how can you think that he would not do as much for Mary or the saints in Heaven?
    To say Catholics are not Christians or Protestants for that matter is nonsense. Anyone who calls on Christ and worships him and believes will be saved. Most Protestants say that once saved always saved. I ask them to go to a Roman Catholic or Anglican church and you will find we worship God and not graven images. The Mass is not an empty tradition. Christ himself participated in it. That is in the Bible. As for the ornate beauty of our Churches, I would say to you, God is worth the best we can do. God himself created valuable metals such as gold and silver. Do you dare to suggest he should not be allowed them in a house of worship as some Protestants would say?
    If you say Catholics are not saved or Protestants are not saved, you are judging and you have no right to do it. This our Lord clearly stated. Richard

  • Jay

    Why do Catholics honor Mary the way we do? Because she was the first person to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior…literally, His Body and Blood into her body.

    And tradition vs. Scripture? Tradition is to follow-through and reflect Scripture, not to counter-act it.

    I say that for information, not to criticize someone who is not Catholic.

    And rather than rip someone due to a disagreement – which is a rather un-Christian judgment, I just lift up a prayer that the Holy Spirit leads us all, regardless of denomination, to a spirit of openness to the truth (something none of us have in completion while we’re on this earth), of a healing of the divides between us, to where we all see Jesus in His complete glory, embrace Him in love (as we’re called to embrace each other in Christian love on this earth) and praise Him forever.

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