
Can you get de-baptized?

Here’s an article from USA Today explaining a new trend among atheists, ‘de-baptism.’

‘Up until last summer, Jennifer Gray of Columbus, Ohio, considered herself “a weak Christian” whose baptism at age 11 in a Kentucky church came to mean less and less to her as she gradually lost faith in God.

‘Then the 32-year-old medical transcriptionist took a decisive step, one that previously hadn’t been available. She got “de-baptized.”

‘In a type of mock ceremony that’s now been performed in at least four states, a robed “priest” used a hairdryer marked “reason” in an apparent bid to blow away the waters of baptism once and for all. Several dozen participants then fed on a “de-sacrament” (crackers with peanut butter) and received certificates assuring they had “freely renounced a previous mistake, and accepted Reason over Superstition.”‘

If this article says anything, it says this. No one is dispassionate towards God—not even atheists. Jesus said it best: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24). That is why some atheists are not content simply to disbelieve but feel like they must scoff at those who do. Proverbs 19:3 applies as much to the atheist as to anyone else: “The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the LORD.”

The good news is that the Lord’s arm is not too short to save (Isaiah 59:1). He is able to bring to repentance the most hardened of sinners. I am living proof of that.


  • J Pilgrim

    Of course those edgy Brits beat us to it.

    The hairdryers, though, fill the void I noticed in the British de-dunkings (see story linked above). Clearly a certificate isn’t enough for baptismal regenerationists. It should suffice, though, for those who signed a card at some crusade or block party.

  • ucfengr

    She sounds to me like someone who’s not really that comfortable with her “non-belief”.
    Perhaps God is still working on some of these folks. I pray he hasn’t forsaken them.

  • Edward Heinze

    Can you get de-baptized? No. Such a desire exposes the reality that you never were baptized to begin with. You were merely made wet one day and it happened to occur at a church.

    But you can shake your fist, gnash your teeth, and hiss at God in open and blatant defiance. These people got creative and did such with a hair dryer and some peanut butter crackers.

    They are desperate for the gospel. Imagine the testimony of God’s grace if one of these enemies of the cross would profess Jesus as Lord!

    Let’s pray that God would save them for His glory!

  • Adam McNeal

    You cannot be de-baptized, not because you “were never really baptized” or “were merely put in water” (Matt) or “were merely made wet one day and it happened to occur at a church” (Edward), but because God promises the Baptized that, just as the water cleanses of outward impurity, so will the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse those who believe. Baptism is a promise from and act of God, not a mark of the elite, a work of man. The pseudo-sacraments practiced by these people cannot undo what God has done. If this woman, who has tried to undo her Baptism, repents and believes the Gospel, she has taken hold of the promise which Baptism signifies. If this happens, she would not need to be Baptized again.

  • Jody Reiniche

    I know I am a little late on this subject, but to me say it is so sad. My baptism ranks with my salvation and marriage as events that mark who I am. In some way I think being de-baptized make a mockery of this blessed observance. It does make one wonder if we should look more closely at baptizing children.

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