Personal,  Theology/Bible

Book Notice

Thank the Lord! The contract is signed, and my dissertation is scheduled to be published this summer in Sheffield Phoenix Press’s New Testament Monographs series. The book will be number 14 in the series, and the title is “Articular Infinitives in the Greek of the New Testament: On the Exegetical Benefit of Grammatical Precision.”

As you can tell from the title, this book promises to be a real page-turner. I fully anticipate for Susan and me to be able to retire on the proceeds that I will receive from this blockbuster treatise. This book will likely be the surprise hit of the summer, and I expect it will be flying off book store shelves so fast it will make The Prayer of Jabez look like a backwater snail race.

You can pre-order this book at the publisher’s website for only $55. Or, if you act now, you can get two for $110! Look out Purpose Driven Life! Here we come! Yippee!


  • Eric M Schumacher

    I don’t know if I’ll get the book, but I’m definitely first in line at the local Christian book store…sorry, “Christian life center”…for the Articular Infinitives in the Greek of the New Testament: On the Exegetical Benefit of Grammatical Precision prayer journal, desk calendar and scented decorative soaps. Hopefully, Starbucks will include a quote on one of their new coffee cups.

    Seriously, congrats! (It sounds like a book that will convict me on my less than great greek.)

  • sofyst

    I spotted you…

    This book is definately on my wish list.

    I just finished ‘The Hobbit’ last night…sheesh, why can’t you write books like that. Dumb down your works for the simpleminded such as myself!

  • dorsey

    Are you shopping the movie rights around? ‘Cause I know some people…

    I was recently in a discussion with my far-more-learned mentor about how the roman “mathematical” approach to language and the resulting literalist interpretations of scripture have caused western culture to overlook the many “richer” levels of truth connoted in the Greek linguistic tradition. It sounded interesting. Do you have any thoughts on that (in lay-language)?

  • Denny Burk

    Guys, guys, guys. We’re getting way ahead of ourselves here. I have to get my “Articular Infinitive” conference ministry going before the merchandising ministry will take off.

    The messages for the conference will be really powerful and should move a lot of product:
    1. “Articular Infinitives and Manhood: How to Be a Substantive Person”
    2. “Articular Infinitives and Discipline: How to Be Substantive While Doing Something”

    And there’s much more where those came from!

  • dorsey

    “Wildly Infinitive at Heart”

    “Raising Infinitive Kids in a Subjunctive World”

    “Pindar, Thou Art Loosed!”

    “My Big Fat Greek Devotional”

    “Your Best Verb Now: Seven Steps to Exegetical Precision”

    …tell me when to stop…

  • A.J.

    Not only am I looking forward to your book (I will be at Barnes and Noble with all the other Denny Burk fanactics at midnight on its release date), but am wanting to know when the sequel will be published.

  • Eric M Schumacher

    You to also think about:

    9 Marks of a Healthy Articular Infinitive

    Articular Infinitives for Rwandan AIDS Relief

    The Chronicles of Articular Infinitives, including everyone’s favorite, The Lion, the Witch, and the Articular Infinitive

    Lord of the Infinitive (possible trilogy!)

    The Power of a Praying Articular Infinitive

    The Articular Inifinitive in the Mirror

    Raising Kids the Articular Infinitive Way

    Shepherding a Child’s Articular Infinitive

    Left Behind: The Sad State of Greek Students Without the Exegetical Benefit of Grammatical Precision Resulting From a Correct Understanding of Articular Infinitives in the Greek of the New Testament

    I’m hoping that you can get Kirk Cameron to star in the movie. (Getting Jerry Jenkins to ghostwrite the sequels will increase sales.)

    AJ – Save me a spot in line.

  • dorsey

    I just put on a fresh pot of coffee. Here are some more:

    “The DaVinci Infinitive”

    “The Articular Infinitive of Jabez”

    “The Screwtape Infinitive”

    “Celebration of Articular Infinitives”

    “The Pursuit of Articular Infinitives”

    “Sinners in the Hands of an Articular Infinitive”

    “The Cost of Articular Infinitives”

    “What’s so Amazing About Articular Infinitives?”

    “Mere Articular Infinitives”

    “Becoming a Contagious Articular Infinitive”

    “An Articular Infinitive Observed”

    “The Case for Articular Infinitives”

    “Practicing the Presence of Articular Infinitives”

    “When Articular Infinitives Happen to Good People”

    “Articular Infinitives and the Women Who Love Them”

    And of course, you’ll know you’ve arrived when you see:

    “Veggie Tales Presents the Tale of the Articoke-ular Infinitive”

  • Eric M Schumacher

    Of course, the The Purpose-Driven® Articular Infinitive is out because “Purpose-Driven®” is a registered trademark. However, I think you could use The Articular Infinitive-Driven® Life with a Purpose-Driven® lawsuit.

    Nice work, Dorsey. I was thinking along the lines of “Articular Infinitives in the Hands of an Angry God”, but the other works.

    We must not overlook:

    Experiencing Articular Infinitives

    The Articular Infinitive’s Progress

    Grace Abounding to the Chief of Articular Infinitives

    The Valley Articular Infinitives

    A God Entranced Vision of Articular Infinitives

    The Pocket Guide to Articular Infinitives

    Articular Infinitives for Dummies

    I Kissed Articular Infinitives Goodbye

    Knowing Articular Infinitives

    The Bondage of the Articular Infinitive

    Through Gates of Articular Infinitives

    The Articular Infinitive Centered Life

    Don’t Waste Your Articular Infinitive!

    The Pleasures of Articular Infinitives

    Desiring Articular Infinitives

    Future Articular Infinitives

    A Hunger for Articular Infinitives

    Seeing and Savoring Articular Infinitives

    God, Revelation & Articular Infinitives

    From the emergent crowd:

    A Generous Articular Infinitive

    A New Kind of Articular Infinitive

    Blue Like Articular Infinitives

    I was thinking Denny could start up some nice Christian ministries (to go along with the books). Here are some to start with:

    Focus on the Articular Infinitive

    The Council on Biblical Articular Infinitives

    Jews for Articular Infinitives

    I don’t know whether to think this is all quite funny…or to cry as years of Denny’s blood, sweat & tears leads to a Monty Python-ish mocking of his thesis! It makes me feel so bad that I’m going to have to buy a copy to make up for it. But that’s okay, my copy of Peter Gentry’s The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job (Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series) was getting lonely.

  • Todd

    Although this is all “greek to me”. Here’s a few more.

    From the Focus on the Articular Infinitive Branch:

    The New Strong-Willed Articular Infinitive

    Bringing up Articular Infinitives

    And for those who shop in the Wal-Mart “inspirational” section

    Chicken Soup for the Articular Infinitive

    And let’s not forget our military as the USO tour through SW Asia coinsides with the release of the four-volume work:
    Chicken Soup for the Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marines Articular Infinitive.

    One Final thought… All good books include a recommendation. Feel free to use this one. “Dr. Burk’s new work, ‘Articular Infinitives in the Greek of the New Testament: On the Exegetical Benefit of Grammatical Precision’ is a must have for every family. Prior to having this book it would take hours to get my son to go to sleep at night. But now, after only a couple of pages, the whole family sleeps soundly for hours.”

    PS. I am also available for the late-night, cable channel infomercial. 🙂

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