• Culture

    Starbucks vs. the Little Guy

    I love Starbucks coffee. I have to say, however, I have been to some stores recently that are a little bit less Starbucky than their 1990’s forebears. According to the report above, Starbucks has sold out to the man. It has replaced baristas with machines, has mass produced locations, and has compromised its ambiance with retail space. These changes over the last few years are the explanation for some of its less-than-stellar stores. The changes also explain why ma and pop coffee shops are making a comeback in certain areas. What do you think? Is Starbucks losing its luster?

  • Christianity,  Culture

    On Mocking Evangelicals

    Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times writes what many evangelicals already suspected: “At a New York or Los Angeles cocktail party, few would dare make a pejorative comment about Barack Obama’s race or Hillary Clinton’s sex. Yet it would be easy to get away with deriding Mike Huckabee’s religious faith. “Liberals believe deeply in tolerance and over the last century have led the battles against prejudices of all kinds, but we have a blind spot about Christian evangelicals. They constitute one of the few minorities that, on the American coasts or university campuses, it remains fashionable to mock.” Kristof goes on to praise evangelicals for their work on poverty,…

  • Sports

    Obligatory Superbowl Post

    I have one word to describe the Giants’ victory over the Pats. Un-stinking-believable! How did the Giants win? You might say that the Giants’ defense neutralized Tom Brady’s offense. Or you might say it like Emmet Smith did in ESPN’s postgame analysis: “That defense got after Tom Brady’s behind today.” They really did. Tom Brady hasn’t been hit that hard and that often in any other game of this season. As a result, the Pats never got into an offensive rhythm, and they were completely shut out of the first and third quarters. The Giants scored fewer points than any other game they played this season. Ray Van Neste makes…

  • Sports,  Theology/Bible

    Watching the Super Bowl to the Glory of God

    C. J. Mahaney has written some instructions about how to watch the Super Bowl to the glory of God, and I have copied them below. His remarks in this regard comprise but a portion of a larger essay titled “Thoughts on Super Bowl XLII.” Except for his intolerably heterodox disdain for the Dallas Cowboys, the rest of the essay is well worth the read.

  • Humor,  Sports

    Sore Winner?

    Can you believe I’m still basking in the glory of LSU’s victory over Ohio State? A friend sent this “motivational poster” to me via e-mail. I know this is poor form, but it’s too funny not to pass along to fellow fans. [Sorry T.J.!] [Here’s the big poster version.]

  • Politics

    Conservative Talk Radio Hosts Back Romney

    Conservative talk-radio hosts are beginning to line-up behind Mitt Romney. They do not necessarily sound like they are excited about Mitt Romney. They sound like they are against John McCain. You can listen to Sean Hannity’s and Laura Ingraham’s endorsements below. Sean Hannity Endorsement [audio:http://hotair.cachefly.net/audio/2007-12/hannity-vote-romney.mp3] Laura Ingraham and Rick Santorum Endorsements [audio:http://hotair.cachefly.net/audio/2007-12/santorum-endorse-romney.mp3] By the way, I’m not making any endorsements. I’m just passing along the info. For an evangelical perspective on Romney, check out Wayne Grudem’s essay from last year in support of his candidacy: “Why Evangelicals Should Support Mitt Romney.” (HT: HotAir.com)

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Richard Land’s Criswell Theological Lectures

    Dr. Richard Land has been on the campus of Criswell College giving our annual Criswell Theological Lectures. Dr. Land’s subject matter derives from material contained in his new book The Divided States of America?. Audio recordings of the lectures are available here, or on the Jerry Johnson Live podcast. A local Fox News reporter came to campus during Dr. Land’s first lecture to tape a story about evangelicals and the current presidential election. The story features Dr. Land, his new book, and some students from the College. I saw the piece on television last night, and the video is available online here. Dr. Land delivered his third and final lecture…

  • Politics

    Giuliani Out: There’s Still One Pro-life Party

    Everyone who cares about protecting the unborn can breathe a sigh of relief now that Guiliani has decided to drop out of the race for President (see here). Giuliani was not able to inspire social conservatives to support his candidacy, and that is the primary reason he was not competitive once the actual votes were cast. His nomination would have effectively given Americans two pro-choice parties, and the pro-life movement would have been banished to the political margins. Thankfully, we have avoided that calamity in this cycle.

  • Humor

    Cletus, Take the Reel

    I’m thinking that this one is definitely going into my “Top 10 YouTube’s of 2008.” I just saw it on my good friend Mark Overstreet’s website. It’s a parody of Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” and it is hilarious.