• Humor

    Cletus, Take the Reel

    I’m thinking that this one is definitely going into my “Top 10 YouTube’s of 2008.” I just saw it on my good friend Mark Overstreet’s website. It’s a parody of Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” and it is hilarious.

  • Politics

    The Eclipse of Bush’s Final State of the Union

    Under normal circumstances, Bush’s final state of the union address would have been the biggest story of the day (watch below or read it here). But since this marks the first time that a primary season has begun before the state of the union address, these are not normal circumstances. The state of the union was eclipsed by the news that both Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy held a rally to announce their endorsement of Barack Obama for President. Caroline Kennedy penned an Op-Ed endorsement over the weekend, but the rally provided the political spectacle. Together the Kennedy’s declared that Obama is the candidate in the mold of JFK. See…

  • Politics

    Answering Faimon about Peggy

    This post is an attempt to respond to a statement that my old friend Faimon wrote in the comment section of my previous post: “I wonder Denny, if you are going to address the comment by Peggy Noonan that GWB destroyed the Republican Party.” What Faimon is referring to is Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal column titled, “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.” In this short essay, Noonan not only says that former President Bill Clinton is destroying the Democrat Party, she also charges President George W. Bush with destroying the Republican Party. She writes:

  • Culture

    Yale Students Celebrate Abortion Rights

    I just read a chilling article that was published this week in the Yale Daily News. Students there were treated to a “a week-long celebration of the 35th anniversary” of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. The week’s events included mock abortions using papayas and a performance by a comedy troupe.

  • Politics

    What’s Your Roe IQ?

    I’ve been talking a lot about Roe v. Wade this week, and I have presumed a lot in terms of my readers’ knowledge of that infamous Supreme Court decision. How much do you know about Roe v. Wade? This quiz is designed to tell you just that. I took the quiz and missed two of the twelve questions (numbers 10 and 12). Take the quiz, then come back and report your scores. “Roe IQ: Do you really know Roe?”

  • Politics

    Barack Obama: Abortion Should Be Legal throughout All 9 Months of Pregnancy

    Christianity Today has an interview with Senator Barack Obama on its website. Among other things, the conversation takes up the issue of abortion. In short, Obama thinks it should be legal for a woman to kill her unborn baby any time during her 9 months of pregnancy. His position is a defense of the status quo, which was set in 1973 by the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision (and its companion decision Doe v. Bolton). On this issue, Obama is not the candidate for change.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Christian Unity with Islam?

    In 2007, 138 Muslim scholars, clerics and intellectuals unanimously came together to declare the common ground between Christianity and Islam. The document that they produced is titled “A Common Word Between Us and You,” and it declares that “love of God” and “love of neighbor” are points of unity between Christianity and Islam. A group from Yale Divinity School drafted a response in late 2007 titled, “Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You.” The response has been endorsed by over 300 Christian scholars and leaders, many of whom are associated with the evangelical movement in North America. The evangelical endorsements include…

  • Theology/Bible

    Hold Them Back

    Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a national observation and affirmation of life. This observance coincides with the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the ruling which made abortion legal on January 22, 1973. Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is usually observed on the Sunday that is closest to the January 22 anniversary. My church observed on last Sunday, and what follows is the lesson that I taught there in my Bible Study class.