Dr. Anthony Levatino performed over 1,200 abortions during his career as an OBGYN, some of them up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. In the video above, Dr. Levatino testifies before Congress about what exactly is involved in an abortion during the second trimester. This is very difficult to listen to, but I think this needs a wide hearing. This barbarism cannot bear the light of day, and that’s precisely why we need to let the light in.
(HT: Justin Taylor)
Lucas Knisely
For those who defend abortion because, “it’s just a clump of cells”, this is a significant and sobering blow to their ignorance.
James Stanton
What if they are referring to the time period from when a zygote becomes an embryo and before becoming a fetus? They would be right and so would you.
Vince Langham
That’s not the time frame when abortions occur so it’s a moot point.
James Stanton
The blog owner and many high-profile social conservatives hold that contraceptives or certain ones are indeed abortions.
The actual point then is that his criticism would still have applied if he had put their comments in the best light (when there are actually only a clump of cells) rather then in the 2nd trimester when everyone should agree that the fetus is far more than just a clump of cells.
Michael Lynch
I’m amazed that there are people out there that still refer to human life as a clump of cells. I probably shouldn’t be amazed since too many people live in denial in order to ease their conscience about killing preborn humans.
griffingulledge (@griffingulledge)
That was absolutely sickening. But then, it sounds like he was against it too. What say you?
Denny Burk
He’s prolife now.
Ian Shaw
Describing an abortion procedure: don’t forget to check intellectual honesty before you enter a congressional hearing….
Ian Shaw
Really Denny? Glad to see he’s changed his mind.
Mary Gray Moser
So glad to hear he has changed!
Michael Lynch
I think the shirt on the girl behind him says “I support Planned Parenthood” in Spanish. I would have liked to see her face as he’s talking.
lynn everitt
Hey America, if you decide to abort could you find a more human way to do it. If every person would just watch an abortion, unless you where born with out a heart, you would find it to be the most horrific act that you will ever witness. This is what this issue is about…….
ITs not about your rights, religion, politics………………its about a disgusting horrific act of violence. And the pro life folks could have stopped it by showing the silent scream, but hey they would be out of work and loss of revenue.
Bridget Platt
Here’s his background/story
Paul Reed
Wow, truly disgusting. But let me ask you this: What if the mother’s life is at risk by staying pregnant… is it okay to let the baby die then? Does the procedure for abortion somehow differ?
Denny Burk
Most pro-lifers would allow for an exception when the mother’s life is at stake, though such instances are extremely rare.
Ian Shaw
Paul, that’s the point the doctor made at the end of his time. The “mother’s life at risk” is few and far between. A small minority of instances compared to the larger, much greater majority. It is intellectually dishonest to believe that the majority of abortions occur due to the mother’s life being at risk.
James Stanton
There’s a controversial case in Belize right now which has an absolute ban on all abortions.
Paul Reed
@James Stanton
Actually, it’s El Salvador. And the court ruled correctly. A parent shouldn’t be able to kill their child to save their own life. Either abortion kills a child or it doesn’t. You can’t have a case-by-case basis where sometimes it’s acceptable while other times it’s baby-killing. All I have to do is add a sentence after the doctor’s description of the 2nd trimester abortions to make you think he did a moral good…”The mother’s life was at risk”.
James Stanton
Ah, of course. I knew that but for some reason Belize was on the brain.