
Worst Case Scenario in Marriage

Boyce College professor Heath Lambert addressed the women of Southern Seminary at a recent Pendergraph Women’s Ministry event. He shows how Matthew 7:1-6 instructs women to deal with the “worst case scenario” in a marital relationship.


Congratulations to Dr. Lambert who successfully defended his dissertation last week. It was written under the supervision of David Powlison.


  • Don Johnson

    I agree with much of what Heath taught, but he did not discuss the big D – divorce. Biblical reasons for divorce include adultery and neglect/abuse, including physical, emotional or spiritual abuse, when done with a hard heart, which is exactly what he was discussing. The Worst Case is when your spouse refuses to change, according to Heath.

    I am glad he mentioned being safe and in some cases being safe means to divorce, but he did not clearly say this.

  • Marilyn

    Thanks so much for this post and for introducing us to this gifted young scholar – a very appropriate and encouraging addition to the recent discussion on abuse.

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