Watching an ultrasound of an abortion changed Abby Johnson forever. She is now prolife and has quit her job as director of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas. Johnson describes her conversion this way:
“I just thought I can’t do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that’s it.”
She also says that there was pressure on her to increase revenues for Planned Parenthood by increasing the number of abortions. She explains in The Houston Chronicle:
“Definitely the most lucrative part of their business was abortions. One of the things that kept coming up was how family planning services were really dragging down the budget, and family planning services include education about contraceptives. It was a drain on the budget, but abortion services were really running up the budget and that was keeping the center afloat.”
What a story. It just goes to show that pictures do matter. It’s hard to deny the humanity of the unborn when you are staring a human in the face in an ultrasound image. Hearts and minds are won with pictures. The images are tragic, but this is a wonderful conversion.
Good news indeed. FYI- A POWERFUL and RIVETING documentary about Planned Parenthood has recently been produced which shows clear links from slavery to eugenics to abortion and BLACK GENOCIDE! This film, Maafa21, has stirred the hearts of many in the African American Community who have never been outspoken against abortion. But after viewing Maafa21 and the painstaking documentation in that DVD they are coming on board the pro-life fight in droves. I strongly recommend this movie to EVERYONE. It is over 2 hours of undeniable proof to the racist agenda behind the abortion profiteers. Get a short peak here:
Don Johnson
Praise God!