The video above is a case in point of why I don’t care for Glenn Beck’s politics. It doesn’t matter to me that he is an economic and national defense conservative. He treats the greatest human rights crisis of our time (abortion on demand) as an afterthought, and he’s totally out to lunch on gay marriage. This is libertarianism, and I’m not a fan.
Here’s a bit from the exchange on gay marriage:
O’Reilly: Do you believe that gay marriage is a threat to country in any way?
Beck: A threat to the country?
O’Reilly: Yeah, is it going to harm it in anyway?
Beck: No I don’t. Will the gays come and get us?
O’Reilly: No, okay. Is it going to harm the country?
Beck: I believe that Thomas Jefferson said: “If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket what difference is it to me?
(HT: Elizabeth Tenety)
Respectful Dis-agreer
I see things a bit differently. Beck isn’t concerned with the frivolous traditional conservative battlegrounds, because he realizes that we live in a fallen world and people are going to do the sinful things that they want to do, no need legislating them. Instead he’s calling people to return to the faith and hope it spreads.
I don’t care either. Besides, he embraces the false religion of Mormonis,
Beck is incredibly annoying, but I have to like that he actually wants to keep religious opinion from ruling the country. By religion opinion I mean either a ban on gay marriage or forcing gay marriage on those who don’t want to recognize it in religious contexts.
Mike Bird
Denny, wait, does this mean that SBTS won’t be giving him an honorary doctorate?
This new theme of libertarian bashing is kind of annoying denny. You clearly have not studied much libertarian thought. You decry “activist judges” for allowing gay marriage yet you would cheer the judiciary if they reversed the earlier courts ruling on gay marriage in the same activist fashion. You can’t have it both ways. libertarians are consistent in wanting the federal government and the courts out of our lives as much as possible. is gay marriage a good thing? no, its sin and its something that individuals will be held accountable for before God. Some of us just dont’ think the federal government has any role to play in policing marriage for anybody. It might sound crazy to some people, but thats simply because its radically different from what we do now. The real crazy people are the ones who put their faith in the government to control our lives than cry when they use that control to oppress us.
Bill Mac
I’m not a fan of Beck. I think he’s a bit of a nut on many things. But I like him in this segment for the most part. I’m not a fan of evangelical culture warriors because I think it is cart before the horse. He does unequivocally state that abortion is killing. And as a news/commentary person, he chooses to cover other things besides gay marriage. Why not? I’m not in favor of gay marriage but I don’t see gay marriage as an evangelical bogey man. With more than half of evangelical marriages ending in divorce, gay marriage is barely a blip on the list of threats to marriage.
Ryan K.
For as smart as these two men are, I was stunned when I saw this and they both stamped abortion as a “culture war” issue. How horrifically wrong. It is the greatest civil and human rights issue in the world today, nothing else even comes close.
David Vinzant
I can’t believe that I actually agree with Glenn Beck on something! Here’s the actual Jefferson quote:
“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
Charlton Connett
I find myself agreeing with David and with others who note that the Federal government should not be involved in marriages at all. According to our Constitution this is a matter for states to decide. If we would get back to the original principles of our government then we would have a much easier time as Christians because we wouldn’t have to worry about the government funding all kinds of immoral projects. When government becomes so powerful that it can regulate even matters such as marriage, Christians are forced to either advocate a smaller government, or a theocracy. As a Baptist that idea greatly offends me as our tradition was one of the first to argue for getting the state out of church affairs so we could worship and live the way we wanted.
I agree with Beck that this country is going down the wrong path and that leaders are taking us there. But I would agree that the biggist problem we have in this country is the heart of the people, it is been harden and Beck does adress that on his show.But you are right he does not adress abortion or gay marriage. We need to pray for are county and for Beck and our leaders.
I think we should be more troubled by his recent venture into pseudo-Christianity. Although he clearly and often says he’s a Mormon, at times he “sounds” more historic orthodox Christian than many who claim to be Christians.
David Barton, a Christian and frequent guest on Beck’s program posted a lengthy apologetic on his Facebook page for why he believes (I guess…?) Beck’s Mormon faith is true, authentic faith, demonstrated by the good fruit it produces. Here is an excerpt:
For Christians concerned about Glenn’s faith, I would ask the following questions:
What fruit do you see produced by Glenn? Good or bad? If you judged Glenn only by the fruits he has produced, would you still hold concerns over his faith?
If you did not know Glenn was a Mormon, how would you describe his religious beliefs?
Is God using Glenn to help recover our national strength and health, both politically and spiritually? If so, why would God be using him?
Does Glenn stir and provoke us to good works? (Hebrews 10:24)
Does he bring to light the hidden things of darkness? (1 Corinthians 4:5)
Does he talk openly about atonement, redemption, and individual salvation through Christ? (I can definitely answer this in the affirmative, for I have seen him do so on numerous occasions not only on his program but also in the rallies where I have personally participated with him.)
Christians concerned about Glenn’s faith should judge the tree by its fruits, not its labels. After all, Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton openly call themselves Christians, as do Evangelical Christian ministers such as Jim Wallis and Joel Hunter. Although these individuals have the right labels, they have the wrong fruits; yet many Christians have a more visceral reaction to Glenn than to Pelosi, Clinton, or Wallis. This is wrong; it is not Biblical.
I’m not sure if the FB page is open to non-FB members, but it’s worth reading through if you can, if only to see in the comments section how easily Christians will discard the historic orthodox faith & accept a Mormon as a brother.
Glenn came out on his program and accepted Jesus as his lord and savior! He is on a conquest for truth and I believe God is leading the way. I just wish to say to him “Welcome to the family!”
I was actually surprised to learn that Glenn is Mormon. He has never pushed a “Mormon” agenda – only Christianity. As much as I disagree with the Mormon doctrine and faith, I have come to know many of them and ALL of them are outstanding people. Their families are upstanding citizens with wonderful and respectful children. As a Christian, I am proud to call him my brother.
“We need to pray for are county and for Beck and our leaders.”
And for you to get into a syntax class next semester at the local community college.
Denny — posts like this are why it’s so easy to paint you and yours as fascists. You’re NOT right wing, you’re NOT conservative, you’re essentially hoping for an oligarchy to take over the U.S.
The (far too) easy analog to point out is the middle east, but everyone (rightly so) would quickly point out that they’re muslim and not Christian. So, instead, let’s point to Spain pre-1900 or Ireland til relatively recently. What you’ll find are governments that slash and burn peoples’ freedoms as they see fit in order to LOOK like they’re doing the right thing.
Now, as a former dues paying member of the libertarian party, I’ll tell you, libertarianism is largely a crock for the exact same reasons that republicanism (sorry, Republicans are conservative in the same way that I’m thin) is: it only really works without regulation if everyone on the planet is the nicest person on earth. The second that greed, classism, bigotry or any other social malady enters the picture, you get Bernie Madoff, Jeff Skilling and George Soros.
Brent Riggs
Boortz is another example of a Libertarian who has a lot of things right, but then is just STUPID (and yes I said stupid, and that’s the word I meant to use) on other issues. He is arrogant, condescending, know-it-all and 100% WRONG on the origins of man, the Bible, true Christianity and homosexuality. I don’t mind so much that he has strong convictions but he voices them with utter disgust, disdain, condescension and ridicule of ANYONE who even slightly questions him on those issue. He doesn’t just declare you “wrong”, he declares you an idiot, a fool, moronic, fanatic, etc (ironically using the same name-calling and shouting down that he rightly calls out Liberals for). But, I give credit where it’s due, and I think both Beck and Boortz have it right on politics in general.
Nathan DeFalco
Now, THIS is a discussion I like reading about.
Religious conservatives are always lumping abortion and homosexual marriage into the same bin as if they are the same calibre of issue- and Denny, that’s exactly what you did here. They are NOT. Abortion is far more damaging to our country and far more immoral than the less than 1% of people in this country who would take part in a homosexual wedding.
I will never vote for someone who is pro-choice, but I don’t think it is a deal breaker if a candidate is politically indifferent to gay marriage. Libertarian thought on what immoral acts should be criminalized deserves serious thought. There is a thing such as Christian libertarians who believe that non-violent acts should not be criminalized. I don’t think this contradicts New Testament teaching. I can live peaceably with a homosexual neighbor. I cannot live peaceably with a neighbor committing fraud or murder.
Besides, if one were to get rid of the income tax and reform alamony laws to include dependant homosexual partners, then the marriage issue would dissappear. Not to mention it shows the real nature behind things like marriage licenses: government control.
Beating the two-issue drum of abortion and homosexuality, without understanding how those fit in to a broader underlying Christian philosophy of freedom is ignorant at least and dangerous at most.
Paul: Then you must not have been reading the Party’s newsletters, because libertarians believe very strongly in a judicial system that punishes anyone who commits fraud. You don’t need regulation to do that.
Brent: Hey, I’ve notice the same thing about Boortz. He is dead on on all economic issues and then turns into a bratty 5th grader on those issues you mentioned. I don’t understand it except to say the man is obviously lost. This is why he comes in second to the best conservative talk show host out there: Michael Medved.
Denny, so far most of the people chiming in disagree with you. Do you think this is reflective of a coming change in evangelical thought? What say you?
I don’t have a problem with Beck’s libertarian views, even if we disagree on some critical issues like abortion and homosexuality. I mean after all we don’t live in a theocracy so I can’t expect him to agree with everything that I believe in. I think we have enough common grounds to work together in fixing this government.
Unfortunately, because of his unabashed proclamation that he is a Mormon and his incessant preachy discourse on religion and God makes it impossible for me to support him in any shape, way or form. As important as the issues of abortion and homosexuality is, the doctrine of God trumps everything else. This is an essential that we cannot compromise on.
The danger of Beck cannot be underestimated. I have many friends, even people who attend the same church that I do, and they are huge fans of Beck. I have been warning them about Beck. In some way he is even more dangerous than Obama, because Obama can only harm us physically but Beck can rob you of your eternal life. If you can have people like Barton believing that Beck is a Christian then there might be someone who thinks that it is fine to attend an LDS church. Mormons are just good Christians like any other Christian denomination, right? There is nothing wrong with being a Mormon as long as the people produce good fruits, right? The only problem is that the Jesus Christ that Beck believes in is the spirit brother of Lucifer but that’s no big deal is it?
James White had a program addressing this Beck thing. You can listen to his podcast on 7/19/2010.
Nathan —
Way to completely miss my point.
Muff Potter
Paula #12,
Barton has been exposed by independent researcher Chris Rodda for the disingenuous fraud that he is. The United States WAS NOT founded on the Bible, but on the ideas which came out of the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. Barton and his ilk would like nothing better than to set up a theocracy with he and his cronies heading up a Protestant Magisterium.
Paul #13,
We already have a corporate oligarchy running the U.S. and calling the shots. It’s been that way since the close of the Civil War. Who do you think bankrolled Barack Obama into the oval office after Cindy McCain’s beer fortune starting running dry on behalf of her husband John?
And the same people that provided the indisputable evidence to support that statement are the one that provided the undisputable evidence for the following statement.
Is this the result of a postmodern view of modernism and anti-Christianity?
You may be interested in watching this episode of William F. Buckley’s Firing Line with guest Ron Paul. It was recorded in 1988 when Paul was running for president on the Libertarian ticket.
It is remarkable to see the two most popular leaders of the conservative and libertarian movements on the record together.
I have no interest in defending Glenn Beck, of course–nor Libertarian ideology. But I do think that the Libertarian’s opposition to centralized power is precisely the concern all Christians should harbor due to our understanding of human depravity.