The latest issue of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology addresses the topic “The Theological Interpretation of Scripture.” Jim Hamilton has posted the table of contents, and it’s an all-star line-up:
Editorial: Stephen J. Wellum, “Reflecting upon the ‘Theological Interpretation of Scripture’,” 2-3.
Daniel J. Treier and Uche Anizor, “Theological Interpretation of Scripture and Evangelical Systematic Theology: Iron Sharpening Iron?” 4-17
Stephen Dempster, “‘A Light in a Dark Place’: A Tale of Two Kings and Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament,” 18-26
Gregg R. Allison, “Theological Interpretation of Scripture: An Introduction and Preliminary Evaluation,” 28-36
Keith Goad, “Gregory as a Model of Theological Interpretation of Scripture,” 38-52
Robert L. Plummer, “Righteousness and Peace Kiss: The Reconciliation of Authorial Intent and Biblical Typology,” 54-61
James M. Hamilton Jr., “John Sailhamer’s The Meaning of the Pentateuch: A Review Essay,” 62-76
The SBJT Forum, contributions from Kevin J. Vanhoozer (78-80), Keith E. Johnson (80-81), Graham Cole (82-83), and Everett Berry (83-84)
Book Reviews by J. D. Greear, Mark T. Coppenger, Jason S. DeRouchie, Jason G. Duesing, James M. Hamilton Jr., Michael A. G. Haykin, Chuck Lawless, Robert L. Plummer, Mark A. Seifrid, M. David Sills, and Jeff K. Walters
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so, do you have any initial thoughts on the theological interpretation of scripture? i see people all over the place claiming to practice it, from liberation theologians to postcolonial theologians. just curious what your own thoughts are.
Michael Templin
Sweet Dr. Berry is in there
An interesting observation. A theological interpretation of Scripture presumes that the Bible comprises a theologically unified whole. However, just exactly what that theology is is determined by ones presuppositions and methodology. By the way, TIS has been a hallmark of conservative RC theology for centuries. So, whether one accepts or rejects TIS has to do with what the Bible is, rather than what it says. It is a methodology, but it can be pressed into service by anyone with any agenda.