• Steve Weaver

    Fascinating article! It is interesting that the New York Times is just now catching on to the philosophical/theological discussions of compatiblism. This seems to be another example of the biblical revelation being ahead of the curve. The tension between “determinism” (the “soft” variety in the form of divine sovereignty) and “human responsibility” is one which every Bible student should recognize.

  • dennyrburk


    The “prime mover” of the determinism discussed in this article is not God, but the various physiological and environmental factors that influence humans.

    I’m glad you saw the theological implications of this article, but I’ll bet many people won’t.


  • Steve Grose

    That is a great article, but I don’t think my congegation will get it if I use it as an illustration of… ummmm….
    At least its shorter than Jonathon Edwards dissertation.

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