Owen Strachan has a really good piece in The American Spectator on Greg Thornbury’s recent appointment to the presidency of King’s College in New York City. Among other things, Strachan frames the larger context of Thornbury’s leadership at King’s. He writes:
Thornbury’s appointment is significant on two fronts. First, he is the nation’s first hipster president. He plays guitar with professional musicians (having just shared the soundstage with a Modest Mouse guitarist), prefers the slim British suit to the boxy-shouldered cut known to many an American boardroom, and keeps up a witty rapport with a wide range of folks on Twitter. Forget the evangelical angle; the fact that a hipster has taken a college presidency surely checks off the final box on the “conquer America” list of the hipster powers-that-be (yes, this is ironic).
Second, Thornbury learned at the feet of evangelical theologian Carl Ferdinand Howard Henry. Though largely unknown in the broader culture today, Henry was no figure of glancing importance. He wrote six dense tomes of theology on Scripture, God, and epistemic certainty. He did not confine his interests to the study, however. Henry’s life-dream was to found a great Christian institution in New York City. He spoke and wrote about this vision all of his life. Though he briefly had the world-mover Billy Graham on his team in this quest, Henry’s plans never materialized.
There is much more in this article that is worthwhile. Read it here.