
The greatest college game ever?

There have been some epic finishes in the history of college football, but has there ever been one bigger than what we saw tonight between Auburn and Alabama? It’s an unlikely win off a most unlikely play–a returned field goal for a touchdown. I guess lightning strikes twice in the same place after all because this is the second miracle that Auburn has pulled off this this season. There really isn’t much to be said. What a great game for the ages. Congratulations to the Auburn Tigers!

What does this mean for the BCS? If Auburn beats Mizzou in the SEC championship, there’s no question in my mind that they deserve to play for the national championship. A one-loss Auburn deserves to jump over a no-loss Ohio State in my view. Brad Edwards says that if Auburn wins out, they’ll go to number one in the computers (see below). Whether they will be able to leapfrog Ohio State with the voters remains to be seen. I think they should.

What about Bama? Are they out of it for good? What if Auburn and Ohio State lose next week? Should Bama–a team that did not even win its conference–be allowed to play for the championship? That’s what happened in 2011 when LSU and Bama faced each other in the national championship game. Should that be allowed to happen again? No way. Either Auburn or Mizzou will emerge next week as a one loss SEC champion, and there’s no way that Bama should be able to leap frog the team that wins the SEC championship. Bama’s title hopes ended in Auburn tonight.


  • Bruce Smith

    Duh! I think it’s pretty obvious that Alabama would not leap a one loss SEC champ. However, had A&M beat Mizzou and then SC beat Auburn then Bama would have been the highest ranked 1 loss team and would have at least been back in the conversation.

    • Denny Burk

      If Ohio State loses to Michigan State and if Florida State loses to Duke, then perhaps it might be possible to think of a Alabama slipping into the title game versus the SEC champion (just like in 2011). But I think it’s very unlikely that Florida State would lose to Duke.

  • Johnny Mason

    if Auburn is ranked above Ohio State it would be a great tragedy. A team that has one loss, won a fluke game against Georgia, and survived Alabama because they couldn’t make easy field goals, is in no way better than a team that has not lost a game in two years.

  • John Thweatt

    Just wondering where your readers think Ohio State would rank if they played in the SEC…Could they beat Alabama, Auburn, LSU or Texas A&M in the West? What about the East? Mizzou, South Carolina, Georgia? I would estimate they would be the 5th or 6th best team in the SEC.

    • Johnny Mason

      When Texas A&M and Missouri entered the conference they did just fine. Missouri was not anything special and I’m sure many thought that they would be at the bottom of the conference, but in only their second year they are playing in the SEC championship. The SEC is the best conference in college football, but this idea that all the other conferences and teams would not stand a chance in the SEC is just fanboy hokum.

  • Ian Shaw

    Michigan State will be the toughest defense they have faced all year. Will not be a offensive shootout like it was in Ann Arbor on Saturday.

  • Ian Shaw

    How can a 1 loss Alabama hold greater weight than a 1 loss OSU or 1 loss FSU?

    Innerconference BCS championship games tend to stink. Remeber that 12-9 field goal game between Bama and LSU a few years ago? Taht was terrible to watch.

    MSU is going to be in a great position for a BCS bowl regardless of what happens at Indy this Saturday.

  • Ian Shaw

    If…and I mean if Auburn loses to Mizz, OSU falls to MSU and Duke knocks off FSU, then the title game goes into chaos. 2 loss Auburn, 1 loss Bama, 1 loss OSU, 1 loss FSU.

    I’m just hopeful my spartans can knock off the buckeyes (and prevent Urban Meyer from receiving a $4 million bonus for winning the conference) and get a guaranteed Rose Bowl.

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