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The Abortion Spa: Rebranding Infanticide

What do abortionists do when they are losing the abortion argument? When their “blob of cells” trope has collapsed under the moral weight of ultrasound images? When everyone can now see that the humanity of the unborn is as plain as the nose on their face? What do they do? They double-down on deception.

In what will no doubt be the most disgusting thing you read today, The Washington Post reports on an “abortion spa” that has opened up in the “tony” neighborhood of Friendship Heights in Washington, D.C. The point of the facility is to destigmatize abortion by providing a spa-like experience to women seeking to end the lives of their unborn children. From the report:

With its natural wood floors and plush upholstery, Carafem aims to feel more like a spa than a medical clinic. But the slick ads set to go up in Metro stations across the Washington region leave nothing to doubt: “Abortion. Yeah, we do that.”

The clinic, opening this week in tony Friendship Heights, specializes in the abortion pill and will be unique for its advertising. Its unabashed approach is also reflects a new push to destigmatize the nation’s most controversial medical procedure by talking about it openly and unapologetically.

Plagued by political setbacks in recent years, abortion-rights activists are now seeking to normalize abortion, to put a human face — and in some cases, even a positive spin — on the procedure…

The clinic will have wood floors and a natural wood tone on the walls that recalls high-end salons such as Aveda. Appointments, offered evenings and weekends, can be booked online or via a 24-hour hotline.

“It was important for us to try to present an upgraded, almost spa-like feel,” said Melissa S. Grant, vice president of health services for the clinic.

If the project is successful, Purdy says, he hopes to expand his model to other states.

“It’s fresh, it’s modern, it’s clean, it’s caring,” he said. “That’s the brand we’re trying to create.”

In short, the facility makes no new substantive moral claim in favor of abortion. It’s simply trying to “rebrand” infanticide. Because the facility will only offer the abortion pill, it will specialize in ending the lives of unborn children at no more than 10-weeks gestation. In other words, it will specialize in killing children that look like this:

Here is the bottom line that no terry-cloth robe can cover-up. Abortion equals killing an unborn human life. And that is the central truth that the “abortion spa” is trying to conceal. They are trying to distract women from the killing by treating it as if it’s the moral equivalent of getting a facial or a massage. But I don’t think it is going to work. No matter how much the abortionists try to hide the ugly truth, we already have the images. People’s consciences have been arrested by them. And no amount stylish wood paneling and scented candles can conceal that.


  • dr. james willingham

    If we are really serious about stopping the abortion holocaust along with the developing euthanasia holocaust, we are going to have to serious consider the matter of a conspiracy. Such evils do no exist without the existence, planning, backing and defending of a long standing and intentional coterie, a cabal as one of the members called it in his memoirs in the 90s. He said, I have been accused of being a member of cabal. I am and proud of it. His statements are on youtube, google, and I have one of the works which accused him long ago. It is the same outfit that is now going after the religious institutions, the Protestant churches of America, if you please, and especially the Baptists, who had long supported the American Ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The aim is to replace the rapidly developing shell of a covenantal government with a dictatorship, one, happily, consisting of iron and clay that cannot last. However, it calls for believers to stand up, organize, close ranks, and become ironsides for the truth, unwilling to cooperate with any who do not stand for the truth, foursquare and faithful.

  • Lauren

    If you think this is abhorrent, wait till you read what the New York assembly passed this weekend…abortion on demand up till the baby is BORN. That’s correct…minutes before the child is born, for any reason at all that may “affect” the birth mother, the birth can be terminated. AND the abortion does NOT have to be handled by a licensed doctor! You can read more info about AB 6221…but it’s just incredibly hard to swallow. It’s designed to guarantee that if Roe vs Wade gets overturned, New York state will always be a haven where any woman can seek to end the life of an innocent, unborn CHILD at any time of her pregnancy.

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