
Terrell Owens Tears-up after the Cowboys’ Loss

The Cowboys are out of contention for the championship, and Terrell Owens was in tears after their loss last night. Here it is.



  • Jesica

    I’m not even a football fan…have never seen this guy before, but I sure do like his heart, his humility, and his willingness to proclaim his commitment to God to his culture.

    I’ll be playing that clip for my little boy..what great life lessons in can be found in that interview.

  • Don F

    I don’t mean to sound judgmental, but Jessica, before you sart wanting your sone to emulate Terrell Owens, you might want to do some research and find out more about him. Despite his appearant nobleness in front of the cameras yesterday, he is hardly a person I would want any son of mine to grow up to be like. No, he isn’t a drug addit, wife beater, womanizer, drunkard, steroid user, or a regular at topless bars in town, which so many of todays athletes are, and I commend TO for that. But he has many other traits that are not commendable nor Christ-like. Perhaps TO is turning over a new leaf, whichi I would love to see, but that is something only time will tell as his past track record is not a good one. I actually found some of his statements about defending his QB to be hypocritical. When playing in Philadelphia, after losing a Super Bowl, it was TO who led the way in openly criticizing and blaming his QB, Donavan McNab for the loss. But it was nice to see TO at least sounding like he is a team player, as all of his career it has always been all about him. Whether or not it was sincere or not we will find out in time. As far as him thanking God, I have seen many athletes that live very sinful lifestyles thank God after a game. At least they acknowledge God. But this hardly proves them to be “Christians” in the truest sense of the word.

  • Jesica

    Thanks, Don..

    Those are good points you make. I guess I should say that we live (by choice) without cable or network tv, so neither I nor my son knows anything about the man.

    He sure sounded humble in that clip…maybe he’s been on the Potter’s wheel as of late?

    Or, maybe he’s just sad he lost.

    Thanks for the heads up, though. 😉

    It really is nice coming to this blog, and seeing how many in the body are willing to encourage and edify others!

    Thank you…

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