
Southern Baptist What?

Say it with me, “Southern Baptist Convention” (SBC). It’s the largest Protestant denomination in America, and they are having their annual meeting this week in Greensboro, North Carolina. Two items of interest are worth noting here. First, I wrote several months ago on this blog about a debate over Calvinism that would take place between SBC seminary Presidents Albert Mohler (for) and Paige Patterson (against). I want to direct your attention to several different news and blog accounts of the standing-room only event:

Michael Foust (Baptist Press)

Nancy H. McLaughlin (Greensboro News-Record)

Tony W. Cartledge (Biblical Recorder)

Lig Duncan (Reformation21)

Thoughts & Adventures Blog

Second, the SBC messengers elected a dark horse candidate, Frank Page, for President. I call him a dark horse because he was widely considered to be the non-establishment candidate who did not have much of a chance of winning. A source at the convention tells me that Page delivered the best nominating speech of the three men who were running. Here are some reports on his election:

John DeSantis (New York Times)

Thoughts & Adventures Blog

Tim Whitmire (Associated Press)

Baptist Press

I expect to be posting more on all of this later.

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