The New York Times has an interesting story about college and university presidents who blog. The story is titled “Erasing Divide, College Leaders Take to Blogging.” The story explores the risks that a leader takes whenever he/she decides to keep a blog:
While some colleges and their presidents have seen their reputations shredded on student blogs, and others have tried to limit what students and faculty members may say online, about a dozen or so presidents . . . are vaulting the digital and generational divide and starting their own blogs.
Veterans of campus public relations disasters warn that presidents blog at their peril; “an insane thing to do†is how Raymond Cotton, a lawyer who advises universities and their presidents in contract negotiations, describes it. But these presidents say blogs make their campuses seem cool and open a direct line, more or less, to students, alumni and the public. . .
If trustees are dissatisfied with a president . . ., blogs offer a president’s adversaries ready ammunition. A casual comment taken out of context, a longstanding problem not addressed, or a politically controversial position can all torpedo a president, he said.
“In this day and age of political correctness . . . it exposes the president to all kinds of unfair and unwarranted criticism.â€
Though this article focuses on college leaders more generally, I think it raises some important issues for Christian bloggers who are in positions of leadership within higher education. Christian leaders have a special responsibility with their words because they know that their words will be brought out as witnesses at the judgment (Matthew 12:36-37). Therefore they dare not use the blogosphere to spew foolish and unedifying talk (Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6).
Nevertheless, I think there are some fine examples of Christian leaders who blog and who take up controversial subjects in a helpful and winsome way. Dr. Albert Mohler and Dr. Russell Moore are two seminary administrators who have both used the blog medium very well for the edification of their readers. Some Christian professors are coming forth with useful blogs as well, like Andreas Kostenberger.
Therefore, I don’t think that leaders should be so risk-averse that they refuse to use this medium, but rather they should put blogs in the service of taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). When Christian leaders do this, they are blogging for the glory of God.
One Comment
Debbie Wimmers
I agree with you Denny, I enjoy reading what you and others have to say on theology. i think it gives me further understanding. I enjoy the debates on Calvin vs. Arminia, alcohol abuse, politics and spiritual gifts. they have been very lively discussions.