Secretary Hillary Clinton appeared on “Face the Nation” yesterday and was asked whether she supported “any federal limit on abortion at any stage of pregnancy?” She said that she does not support any limits on abortion at any stage of pregnancy.
Let the reality of that land on you. That means that Clinton believes it should be legal to kill a full-term unborn child one day before birth. A day later, to kill the child would be murder. But as long as the baby has yet to emerge from the birth canal, Clinton believes that the law should protect the right to kill that child.
When asked specifically about her views on late term abortion, Clinton made a stunning false statement:
I think that the kind of late-term abortions that take place are because of medical necessity, and therefore I would hate to see the government interfering with that decision. This gets back to whether you respect a woman’s right to choose or not, and I think that’s what this whole argument is about.
John McCormack has written an illuminating piece today showing that Clinton’s statement is false on its face. I highly recommend that you read it.
It is hard to imagine that Clinton really believes this distortion of the truth. Some enterprising journalist needs to follow-up on this. This is pro-abortion propaganda at its worst. I can hardly believe she said it.
Ian Shaw
“I think that the kind of late-term abortions that take place are because of medical necessity, and therefore I would hate to see the government interfering with that decision. This gets back to whether you respect a woman’s right to choose or not, and I think that’s what this whole argument is about.”
Sorry Mrs. Clinton, but the fact of the matter is, abortions of all kind, including late-term occur not because of regulations, but because women chose to engage in behaviors that cause pregnancy (exception to sexual assault and incest and RARE medical needs). Your fervent support for a woman’s right to chose to have an abortion is preceded with her right to chose her sexual partner with absolutely no critical thought of potential consequences. But I’m sure you value a woman’s right to carnal behavior over critical thinking.
If she truly believes in the right do so such a thing up to the 9th month, she’s not better than Gosnell himself. Like many politicians, they take a stand, but are not willing to flesh their ideological stance out to it’s natural conclusion. Even Nietzsche knew that.
Christiane Smith
How does anyone ‘defend’ a tragedy?
Alistair Robertson
I have sneaking suspicion that what you see as an incredible and outlandish and horrifying position will not register as such with the general public. Western populations seem to allow their opinions to be directed by what’s fashionable as opposed to what is reasonable. Hillary is pushing the envelope of what is ideologically fashionable, but ideological fashion is not far behind.
Barbara Jackson
Of course it isn’t medically necessary in late term – by that point you can deliver the child if need be, without killing him or her.