
Recent Sermons on Biblical Womanhood

I just finished preaching a couple messages on biblical womanhood at my church. It was a real joy to prepare and deliver these messages, and I am happy to share them with you.

1 Tim. 5:1-8 – “The How To’s of Exemplary Living”


1 Tim. 5:9-16 – “Exemplars of Godly Womanhood”

I’m posting here two quick footnotes to today’s message:

(1) George Knight’s interpretation of 1 Timothy 5:9-16 is the one that I have adopted. He has argued persuasively that the church in 1 Timothy has a list of widows that it employs to carry out various ministries in behalf of the church. In Knight’s own words, which I quoted in the sermon today:

“So the church may have a list of elderly and godly widows who have no one else to care for them and who commit themselves to serving Christ. The church commits itself to assist these widows and in turn may ask them to perform certain tasks as need arises”George Knight, The Pastoral Epistles, pp. 222-23

I relied heavily on Knight’s exposition, and I encourage you to pick it up if you want a fuller treatment.

(2) Pastor Tommy Nelson’s sermon on this passage was also deeply influential on my own exposition. I’ve heard Tommy share the story about Carey Casey numerous times. He shares it in this message, and I included it in mine as well. I highly recommend Tommy’s exposition. You can download it here or listen to it below. I’ll also recommend Tommy’s other sermon on the first part of this chapter. It is below as well.

“Ministers and Moms” (1 Timothy 5:1-4)


“Women of Excellence or The Search for the P-31” (1 Timothy 5:5-16)


  • Paul Reed

    Just think, if Biblical Womanhood were ever even close to reestablished in the US, every one of our problems with gay marriage and abortion would fall by the weigh side.

    • Christiane Smith

      Hi PAUL,
      I was thinking about your comment and I wondered if Christians were ever intended to be free of problems in this Earthly life . . . I don’t think that was the plan for the followers of Our Lord. Hence, the need for their presence in the way of ” witness, fruit, proclamation, service to others, ability to extend mercy and forgiveness, and ability to love ” (quoting Kathy Baldock, a recent commenter)

      In my view, we have the honor of presenting Christ to the world . . . in a way that the world cannot ignore or dismiss as ‘political maneuvering’ or hypocrisy or manipulation or force.

      The way of presenting Christ to the world is by bringing His light into the darkness. This can only be done by those who are not fearful, and are not bound by the sin of pride, or needing to ‘control’ others. Changing hearts is not something that can be legislated or ‘established’, but involves an action of the Holy Spirit on the heart of one who is drawn to repentance at the foot of the Cross.

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