Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States. On Thursday, they will be holding their annual gala celebration, and President Obama will be the keynote speaker. The President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards has issued the following statement explaining the invitation:
President Obama has done more than any president in history for women’s health and rights. He understands that access to birth control and preventive health care are economic issues for women and their families. We fought alongside him to ensure that women’s health access was expanded in the landmark Affordable Care Act, and now we have to fight hard to ensure that the full promise of health care reform is realized for millions of women. We are honored to have President Obama join us at our ‘Time for Care’ Gala at this pivotal moment for women’s health.
What President Obama and Planned Parenthood will actually be celebrating is hidden under terms like “women’s health” and “preventative healthcare.” One of the ways that legal abortion survives in this country is by keeping what it really is out of the light of day. In the public discourse, that means a liberal use of euphemisms. This statement from Planned Parenthood is so riddled with euphemism that it is necessary to translate. Here’s my rendering:
President Obama has done more than any president in the history for rights of mothers to have their unborn children killed at any stage of pregnancy (0-9 months). He understands that the right to kill unborn children is an economic issue for women and their families. We fought alongside him to ensure that more women would be able to have their unborn children killed through funding provided by the landmark Affordable Care Act, and now we have to fight hard to ensure that the full promise of an unlimited right to abortion on demand is realized for millions of women. We are honored to have President Obama join us at our ‘Time for Abortion’ Gala at this pivotal moment for women’s right to kill their unborn children.
If that sounds like a sick thing to be celebrating, that’s because it is. And President Obama will be headlining.
Adam Ford (@Adam4d)
Prez to-do list:
1.) Say nothing about the Gosnell mass murder case
2.) Go have some brews with late-term abortionists who prey on specific demographics
Pat self on back. Go golfing.
Great translation. Very (sadly) appropriate.
Tom Parker
What is your solution to this horrific problem?
Paul Reed
We ban abortion clinics are prosecute those who have abortions or perform them as murderers. Why should the killers of children go free, unless you really believe that abortion doesn’t really kill a child?
Tom Parker
I asked Denny Burke. It is rude to answer for other people.
James Harold Thomas
Bull. You asked a question to a specific person but in an open forum. Paul didn’t impersonate Denny or claim to be speaking for him. You are free to ignore him if you like, but he broke no rules of etiquette.
What you’re asking for is to have a public one-on-one with Denny but Denny hasn’t offered that to you. You always have the option of emailing him directly.
Tom Parker
Nice language their James on a Christian blog. BTW, I my question to Denny was not a complicated question. James, you are way overreacting to my question.
Denny Burk
Could you be more specific?
Ian shaw
Couldn’t have said it better Denny.
I’m sure that Gosnell’s apologists would put what he did under “women’s reproductive health” as well.
Michael Sweet
I just read that he has canceled his plans to deliver the keynote address.
Aaron O'Kelley
Yeah, I saw that here:
Denny, maybe your blog has more power than you realize. 😉
Michael Lynch
He still gave a speech today:
It’s interesting that he referenced PP’s beginning considering some of Sanger’s motives for murdering the unborn. The rest of the speech is pretty sick too.
Aaron O'Kelley
Yes, I was a bit confused when I started hearing that he did, in fact, speak at Planned Parenthood. Either Jay Carney badly miscommunicated, or the Washington Times badly misunderstood. The latter would not surprise me. Sorry Denny, maybe you don’t have as much power as I thought. 😉