• Christianity

    Pat Robertson Advises Wife-Beating?

    In a recent broadcast of the “700 Club,” Robertson advises a viewer to become a Muslim so that he can beat his wife (see above). After a viewer writes-in asking advice on how to deal with a rebellious wife, Robertson responds: “Well, you could become a Muslim and you could beat her… This man’s got to stand up to her and he can’t let her get away with this stuff.”

  • Christianity

    Bell Says He’s Been Slandered

    In an emotional interview with Sally Quinn, Rob Bell says that he has been misunderstood and slandered. There is much that could be said in response to this accusation. I think Quinn followed-up with the most obvious response. In what way does he feel misrepresented and slandered? Bell’s answers, however, really miss the mark in my view. First, he sort of alleges that his critics are accusing him of not being a “serious follower of Jesus.” I don’t know anyone who is saying that he is not a serious follower of his version of Jesus. Second, he suggests that his critics don’t understand that he is simply trying to present…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Martin Bashir Talks about Bell Interview

    I wrote earlier this week about Martin Bashir’s hard-hitting interview with Rob Bell. If you’ve been under a rock this week and haven’t seen it yet, be sure to take a few minutes and watch it now. Commenters under that earlier post have been asking about Bashir’s own faith commitments. They note that some reports paint him to be an atheist while other reports indicate that he is a Christian. What’s the truth? Bashir answered that question earlier today when he was interviewed on Paul Edwards’ “God and Culture” radio program. Bashir discloses that he is a committed Christian and that he attends Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New…

  • Christianity,  News

    Enter Rob Plummer

    My friend and colleague Rob Plummer has just entered the blogosphere. Besides being a professor of New Testament at Southern Seminary, Rob is an elder at Sojourn Community Church and the author of the blockbuster book 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible. One of his first posts is an excerpt from his recent ETS paper, and it’s titled “Taco Bell and Biblical Interpretation.” See, you’re already hooked!

  • Theology/Bible

    What is Pat Robertson talking about?

    When I first read news yesterday of Pat Robertson’s remarks about Haiti, I couldn’t believe that he had done it again (e.g., here, here, and here). The news report that I read said that he attributed the earthquake to a divine “curse.” Reading further, I found that his “curse” remark actually had more context–a context which only seemed to amplify the offense not lessen it. Read his remarks for yourself below, or watch the video above.

  • Christianity

    Bell Again

    The conversation about Pastor Rob Bell is still going on under my previous post. So I thought readers might be interested in another story—this one from Time magazine. ‘Bell, 37, is guilty of none of the negatives. He is largely apolitical, thinks that only those with gay friends are positioned to judge homosexuality–and he tinkers marvelously. At 28, he founded a megachurch that threw out the conventional sermon-and-worship service and instantly drew thousands of attendees. . . “He could be one of the most important 21st century Christian leaders,” says Bible professor and evangelical blogger Ben Witherington.’ No comment. Just an FYI.

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Are evangelicals becoming more open to gay marriage?

    I wrote an article about seven years ago on what the bible teaches about homosexuality. That essay begins with a discussion of Brian McLaren’s then recent affirmation of committed homosexual relationships. It is strange to read that essay now and to consider in retrospect how quickly McLaren faded from evangelical view. At the time, the “emerging church” still had some purchase within the evangelical movement. Now that entire project is defunct and so are its major proponents. They pushed the very edges of the leftwing of the evangelical movement until they pushed themselves right out of the movement. Many of them did so by adopting unorthodox positions on sexuality. The…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Politics,  Theology/Bible

    “The Gospel according to Glennon”: What gospel?

    Elle magazine has published a long-form essay on famous mommy-blogger Glennon Doyle Melton. Until Melton divorced her husband and came out as a lesbian last year, I really didn’t even know who she was. Even so, she has been a popular blogger and writer for a number of years, especially among women. Her openness about her imperfect life has endeared her to millions of readers, many of whom are Christians. Anyway, the Elle feature tells her story, which I won’t rehearse here. I encourage you to read the piece for the full account. Nevertheless, I would offer a handful of reflections on the essay: 1. I have never been a…