• Christianity,  Politics

    A Closer Look at Gosnell’s Horror

    Our understanding of the horror that was Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic is still coming in to clear view. Today, the Associated Press reports more of the details about the findings of the grand jury that indicted Gosnell last week. One woman tells the story of how Gosnell forced her to have an abortion against her will.

  • Christianity

    Kirsten Powers tells about her conversion to Christ

    Last April, Kirsten Powers went on Focus on the Family to talk about her watershed column shaming the media into covering the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. In that interview, she also shares her own story about coming to faith in Christ through the ministry of Tim Keller’s church in New York City. It turns out that Eric Metaxas also had a role in her conversion, and she is surprisingly candid about the whole thing.

  • News,  Politics

    Media give a group hug to Wendy Davis and a stiff arm to balanced reporting

    If you’ve been watching the coverage of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis over the last week, then perhaps you’ve noticed that she has received a wide open embrace by the media. Many glowing profiles have appeared along with softball interviews that clearly assume the justice of her cause. Nevermind the fact that a majority of Americans—including women!—stand squarely against the late term abortions that Davis stands for.

  • Politics

    Unmasking Pres. Obama’s Euphemisms to Planned Parenthood

    On Friday, President Obama became the first sitting President to give an address to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. It’s doctors kill over 300,000 unborn children every year. The President closed his remarks to this group with a rousing show of support for Planned Parenthood and for a mother’s right to have her unborn child killed. Here are his words:

  • Politics

    President Obama takes no position on protecting the lives of live-born children

    In today’s press briefing, White House press secretary Jay Carney took a series of questions about the Kermit Gosnell case (see above). One reporter had the temerity to ask Carney some tough questions about President Obama’s repeated opposition to laws that would protect the lives of children who survive an attempted abortion. Carney’s answers were baffling. Carney repeated the President’s support for a woman’s right to choose. When the reporter pressed him on whether or not the President would support “common sense reform” to protect the lives of live-born children, Carney refused to give an answer. Is it really that hard simply to say, “The President supports protecting the lives…

  • News,  Politics

    Krauthammer explains why news outlets are ignoring infanticide

    The National Review Online has posted Charles Krauthammer’s comments on the media blackout of Kermit Gosnell’s murder trial. Among other things, Krauthammer says this: On this, I would think there would be unanimity in the country, and the reason that there is resistance, against either outlawing or heavily regulating [abortion] is because the pro-choice people imagine that any regulation, at any level, at any kind, is the beginning of the end of abortion rights. I think there is room for a national consensus on this. In other words, pro-choicers believe abortion rights to be so sacrosanct that they cannot acknowledge Gosnell’s crimes because it might lead to a curtailing of…

  • Christianity,  News,  Politics

    “3801 Lancaster”: Don’t turn away from this horror

    3801 Lancaster is a documentary film about Dr. Kermit Gosnell—one of the most infamous abortionists in U. S. History. Dr. Gosnell made himself a millionaire by selling abortion services to poor minority women in west Philadelphia. He not only presided over the deaths of countless unborn babies. He also oversaw a filthy clinic in which women died and in which babies were born alive and murdered. Gosnell was arrested in January 2011, and he is now in prison awaiting trial.