Christianity,  Politics

No Pressure, Mr. President: Eric Metaxas in Rare Form

If you want to have a deep belly-laugh, go read Eric Metaxas’ interview with National Review Online. The interview is about Metaxas’ new book, which is about his invitation to speak at the national prayer breakfast last year (see video here, For the record I appreciate anyone who can work in a reference to Ruth Buzzi in a speech to the President). Metaxas parries the interviewer’s questions with humor and wit, and it’s a great read. Here’s a just a taste below.

KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: The e-book version of your book is titled “Jesus Hates Dead Religion.” How can you claim to know what Jesus hates? 

ERIC METAXAS: The Bible says that God hates what is evil. According to my sources, Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, which is to say, God. Q.E.D. Have I missed something?

LOPEZ: Why was your talk worth making into a book? Shameless marketing?

METAXAS: I’m sorry you feel the need to tear down the successes of others. Don’t you believe in the free market? Don’t you know that a rising tide lifts all boats and that your being a little dinghy needn’t be a barrier to your own success?

LOPEZ: You are just full of lessons. Now: Why would you want to be funnier than Mother Teresa?

METAXAS: I guess I say that in the book, don’t I? Well, it’s just a personal goal I set for myself. Everybody needs a few easy “wins.” I also have the goal of being less pompous than Al Gore and less hairy than Ed Asner.

Go eat the whole thing here.

(HT: Jim Hamilton)


  • Lucas Bisbee

    It always makes my eye twitch when I hear Christians talking like Christianity is not, in fact, a religion. I’d say James 1:27 makes it pretty clear that it is, and that it’s not a bad thing-
    “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

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