
More Lying from Planned Parenthood

Here’s another hidden video taken a Planned Parenthood consultation in Indiana. Not only is the young girl told that her child is not a “person” but a “fetus,” she’s also told that an abortion is safer than carrying the baby to full term. (HT: Tim Challies)

Quick facts about Planned Parenthood: They are the largest abortion provider in the United States. Planned Parenthood has performed 4 million abortions in its history. Planned Parenthood kills 5,871 unborn babies every week. 1 out of every 4 abortions is committed in a Planned Parenthood facility. Planned Parenthood calls abortion “reproductive rights.” Planned Parenthood collected $349.6 million in government grants and contracts in 2008, and at the end of the year had $85 million in profits.

One Comment

  • Donald Johnson

    On heartbeat, notice that the PP person did not answer the question the other asked, she answered a different question, when can one hear the heart beating, not when it starts beating.

    Also, the PP person used the term “carrying a baby to term” this implies the fetus is a baby.

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