I know there are bound to be some Mat Kearney fans who read this blog. For those who are, you’ll be glad to know that his new album “Young Love” drops today. The first single “Hey Mama” was released last month, and it’s outstanding. You can watch the video for the single below or download it here.
For what it’s worth: Music downloads cost less at Amazon.com than at iTunes. Kearney’s first single from this album is $.99 at Amazon.com, but it is $1.29 at iTunes. Likewise, the whole album is $5.99 at Amazon.com, but it is $7.99 at iTunes. Amazon.com downloads also have the added bonus of being MP3’s. If you’re like me, you prefer the versatility of an MP3 over iTune’s proprietary M4A format.
(HT: Alex Medina)
You can also find a comprehensive listing of his music at Grooveshark:
if we’re picking one brand over another, I throw my hat in with eMusic (didn’t check to see if this guy’s on there yet, sorry). Pay up front per month, and tracks are $0.49 – $0.89 for 320kbps MP3’s instead of the 128kbps that you’re getting from Amazon or ITunes.
This isn’t a half bad tune, by the way. Nice find, Denny!
Never heard of him. Will have to check him out a bit more. At first listen he reminds me of Chris Martin.
Sorry. I just don’t get it.
spot on Don.
I call him a poor man’s Chris Martin.