For those following the conversation among Southern Baptists about soteriology, you will want to note Dr. Jerry Vines’ recent contribution to the discussion, “It’s Time To Discuss the Elephant in the Room.” Among other things, Dr. Vines offers a rejoinder to the impression that the “Traditional” statement is semi-pelagian. You’ll want to read the entire statement and observe in particular this conciliatory note:
I have no desire that any Calvinist be unwelcome in the SBC. I do desire that we can live together as brothers, openly and lovingly affirming our theological positions without trying to force them upon others who take another view. And I pray we will be willing to join hearts and hands with those who may view theological matters somewhat differently than we do, within the framework of our BF&M.
Dr. Vines is one of the heroes of the conservative resurgence. Read the rest of his essay here.
Jerry Vines
Thanks, Dr. Burk, for this. I am in the process of completing a devotional book. My comments are closed, as are Dr. Mohler’s. I intend to carry forth the discussion with those who have written the Statement responding to theological issues at this time. I will probably be involved in the discussion through books, conferences, etc. God bless us all. Jerry Vines
Denny Burk
Thank you, Dr. Vines. I’m grateful for you and your contribution to this discussion. Blessings!
Joshua Breland
Dr. Vines,
Will a moderated debate be in the works? Would love to see a meaningful cross examination take place between brothers. Books tend to talk past each other.
Thanks for your Kingdom work,
Joshua Breland
Jon Hall
I very much appreciate this level headed type of discussion. Thank you Dr. Vines.
cb scott
Through it all Jerry Vines has been an ambassador of Jesus and a Baptist Statesman.