
Interview about “What Is the Meaning of Sex”

A couple of weeks ago, I sat for an interview with Southern Seminary’s Towers magazine about What is the Meaning of Sex? The questions I answered include the following:

1. Why is your book necessary?
2. What’s your book saying that’s unique compared to other books on the topic?
3. What role should natural law play in a Christian’s arguments when discussing sexual ethics issues?
4. What role does hermeneutics play in sexual ethics?
5. What challenges do the new sexual norms present for Christians and for the church?
6. Why should a pastor care about these issues?
7. What is the meaning of sex?
8. What do you hope readers take away from your book?

You can read my answers to the questions here. Video segments of portions of the interview are below.

Matt Damico, “Sex, Scripture and the glory of God,” Towers 12.4 (2013): 12-13.


What role does hermeneutics play in sexual ethics?

What challenges do the new sexual norms present for Christians and for the church?

Why should a pastor care about these issues?

Why is your book Necessary?

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