Christianity,  Politics

How Trump divided and conquered the religious right

Sarah Posner has an interesting read in Rolling Stone titled “The Religious Right’s Come-to-Jesus About Trump.” She argues that Trump has not united evangelicals as a voting bloc but has divided them. I think she’s right that the Republican coalition is breaking-up and say so in the article. She writes,

Trump has been bragging about his evangelical support since he began receiving favorable coverage, dating back to last summer, at the Christian Broadcasting Network — the media empire launched by Pat Robertson, whose Christian Coalition pioneered the evangelical get-out-the-vote strategy. But despite besting Ted Cruz among evangelical voters in several states, including in the Deep South, Trump faces a divided religious right. That means it will be harder for him to mobilize these otherwise reliable Republican voters in November. But it also means religious right leaders will have to clean up the detritus Trump has made of their movement.

Read the rest here.


  • Steve Potts

    Could it be that both Trump and Clinton are providentially placed to show true believers that our hope is not at all in Washington and that there are indeed far fewer of us than we presumed? This election lays bare the illusion of “Christian America” and may well help the evangelical church to see that America is less like ancient Israel and far more like Babylon. America is our mission field (among many) and not our safe haven. This is not a time for lamentation but rather for winsome witness and humble boldness, not to promote political conservatism but for the gospel of Christ.

  • Brian Holland

    I have a real problem with a left wing propaganda rag like Rolling Stone talking about the future of the Christian right in America. What they did in putting the Boston marathon bomber on their cover with a glamor shot is journalistically unforgivable. They also worked to undermine General McCrystal’s strategy in Afghanistan. They are completely undeserving of clicked on.

  • Ray Paget

    So we may now be left with the near certain election choice of the “lesser of two evils.” I think the Rolling Stone author has correctly surmised the fallout ahead for Trump and evangelicalism. If conservative evangelicals stay home from the voting booths, we’re going to witness a very interesting political landscape ahead of us. I think it’s an exciting time for Christianity. Too many believers confuse their patriotism with their faith.

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