Christianity,  Politics,  Sports

GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement from Tim Tebow

This is no joke. Tim Tebow told the Associated Press
that he has been approached by more than one GOP candidate for an endorsement. Here is the relevant portion from the report:

Sensing the excitement and loving his message, Tebow is also being courted by Republican presidential candidates. The quarterback recently told The Associated Press he’s been asked by more than one of the contenders for his support. He wouldn’t name names, but did say he’d declined the offer.

“I think you have to have so much trust in who you support, just from product endorsements to endorsing a candidate because if that person or company does something (bad), it reflects on you,” said Tebow, who’s a pitchman for Nike, Jockey and FRS energy drink.

Everybody’s trying to cash-in on Tebow’s popularity, but I’m glad he’s rebuffed the pols so far. Read the rest here.


  • Paula

    So glad Tebow isn’t playing this game.

    I have been so disgusted with the endorsement process. It means absolutely nothing to me anymore. For political candidates, it often comes down to who received campaign donations from whom. For example, S. Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, a Tea Party favorite, received 62K in campaign donations from Mitt Romney prior to endorsing him.

    OK, we expect that kind of thing from politicians, I guess. What makes me sick is when pro-life and other conservative organizations do it. Many of them receive hefty donations from these candidate PACs, which in some cases, buy endorsements for candidates.

    When Ohio Right to Life endorsed one GOP candidate over two others with a very, very strong records of pro-live activism in an open PRIMARY race, I called the director to find out what was up. He told me it was their policy to endorse “the most conservative candidate they think can win.” Despite the strong pro-life records of the other two candidates, they felt the other candidate was more likely to win because he had more money in his campaign fund. Because they other candidates were not endorsed by ORTL, Ohio voters were left with the false impression that the other two candidates were not pro-life. Disgusting.

    When looking at endorsements, it’s important to know what the endorsement is based upon.

    • yankeegospelgirl

      No kidding! That EXACT same thing happened in my state. We had several good candidates in the Republican primaries, and our state’s right to life organization only gave their official endorsement to one of them and put all their “firepower” as it were behind him, even though at least one other candidate had a terrific pro-life record. Ultimately, NONE of the good candidates won the nomination, and instead a pro-choicer won it. We learned it was an attempt to gather all the pro-life voters behind just one candidate to avoid that very thing, but I think people were annoyed that they weren’t told anything about the other candidate’s pro-life record and curious to find out more when RTL was silent on it. So it ended up backfiring.

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