
Gingrich reverses his stance on gay marriage

What a difference 11 months makes. In January when Newt Gingrich was running for the Republican nomination, he compared gay marriage to “paganism” and said that it was a “fundamental violation of our civilization.” Now at the close of 2012, he’s saying that it is “inevitable” and that Republicans must recognize reality and accept it. In his own words:

I think that this will be much more difficult than immigration for conservatism to come to grips with. It is in every family. It is in every community. The momentum is clearly now in the direction in finding some way to … accommodate and deal with reality. And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states — and it will be more after 2014 — gay relationships will be legal, period… I didn’t think that was inevitable 10 or 15 years ago, when we passed the Defense of Marriage Act. It didn’t seem at the time to be anything like as big a wave of change as we are now seeing.

Read the rest here.


  • Brandt Van Roekel

    Denny, what do you think, is this a true reversal of his oppinion or simply a throwing in of the proverbial towel? Thanks.

    • Denny Burk

      It’s both. Last December, Gingrich signed a “Marriage Vow” pledge, promising to enforce DOMA and to support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. All of that is gone now. No more defense of DOMA. No more constitutional amendment. Despite what his personal views are, his public policy position has been reversed.

  • Carson Rogers

    Unless I’m reading him wrong, it seems like he isn’t so much reversing his opinion of homosexuality itself so much as addressing the GOP’s ability to navigate the increased cultural acceptance of it. Thoughts?

  • James Stanton

    That many conservatives didn’t see Newt for exactly who he is years ago is a testament to their own cultural biases. He’s always been a political opportunist without shame. Rest assured, he’d be willing to put himself back on the traditional marriage side if he sees a political advantage in it.

    His switch shows the contempt he’s had for social conservatives voters all along. I suspect most will be less willing to forgive his gay marriage betrayal than his actual marriage betrayals.

  • Mark Nenadov

    I really don’t think anything has changed. Nearly everything I’ve seen from his personal life and his political track record indicates that personally and publicly, this is the same Newt. So, in that sense, his political stance has not changed at all. He’s consistently applying his worldview: relativism. And he’s pretty good at tricking people. Honestly, I have trouble understanding how any one takes him seriously (no matter what one’s stances are in regard to the issue of the day)

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