Christianity,  News

GCR Report Now Online

Here’s a pre-recorded version of the Great Commission Resurgence interim report that Pastor Ronnie Floyd delivered tonight to the SBC Executive Committee. You can download the text version of Floyd’s address here. This is only an interim report, and the final report is not due until May. Nevertheless, it is clear that the work of the GCR Task Force promises to be epoch-making for Southern Baptists.

The report warns Southern Baptists that we have two options:

“Die a painful death, or live a painful change. . . What our convention chooses to do will determine what God does with this denomination. . . Wilderness wanderings or Canaan conquests.”

We all need to pray that Southern Baptists make the right decision this summer in Orlando.

One Comment

  • David Vinzant

    I’s love to know how Floyd came up with the following statistics:

    “Do you realize that among the 340 million people living in North
    America, there are 258,000,000 people estimated to be lost and perishing?”

    In the Northeast there is an “estimated percentile of lostness of 83%.”

    “90% of the entire world is lost”

    And my favorite . . .
    “we cannot forget the nation to the
    north of us, where there is an estimated 76% lostness”

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