Eric Metaxas takes on Dan Savage in today’s Breakpoint commentary. You can listen to it below or download it here.
Here’s a snippet:
Tolerance used to be defined as a willingness to put up with the beliefs or practices of those with whom we disagree. Today, tolerance means we must accept the beliefs and practices of others as correct — or risk being called a bigot. It’s interesting that this redefinition of tolerance almost always involves debates over homosexuality — and it always seems to be people on just one side of the debate calling those with whom they disagree “intolerant.”
I mean, when was the last time you heard a Christian accusing a gay-rights activist of intolerance because he refused to acknowledge that biblical teachings about homosexuality are correct?
And now we’re seeing the same kind of redefinition going on regarding the word bullying. If you so much as whisper that you believe that true marriage can take place only between one man and one woman, you’re accused of bullying.
Read the rest here or listen above.
Jason Delgado
James White is also going through it very slowly and critiquing it and addressing Dan. You can listen to the first part (1st hour) here:
Jason Delgado
oops, link should be:
Eric Heistand
Yes, the James White stuff is great. When people talk of tolerance today it is usually only one way – the left speaking towards the right. Christians are never tolerated anymore, at least in the Pacific NW where, I, like Mr Savage, reside.