
Doug Wilson Speaks about “Collision” and Calvin

The Desiring God conference on John Calvin wrapped-up this morning in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Audio and video of the sessions are now available from the conference website.

I’m still making my way through the messages, but I especially enjoyed Doug Wilson’s contributions, which were two-fold. First, Piper interviewed Wilson about his new movie “Collision,” a documentary in which Wilson faces-off against the atheist Christopher Hitchens. Wilson’s dictum concerning apologetics is insightful: You never try to win an argument; you try to win the man. That’s a good word indeed.

Second, Wilson’s delivered an outstanding lecture on John Calvin’s view of scripture. Calvin remains a giant today because of his absolute devotion to the Bible as God’s word and the final authority on all knowledge. Wilson’s exposition on this point was insightful and relevant.

Piper wrapped up the conference this morning, and the audio is here. See the rest of the messages at the conference website.

Interview about “Collision”

The Sacred Script in the Theater of God


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