Culture,  Theology/Bible

Collision: Is Religion Good for the World?

In my earlier post about Douglas Wilson, I posted a link to John Piper’s interview with Wilson about the new movie “Collision.” In short, the movie is a documentary of a debate tour between Wilson and Christopher Hitchens. In each stop on the tour, they debated the question “Is Religion Good For The World?” Wilson argues as a Christian, and Hitchens as an atheist. The movie will be released on DVD in October. I’m looking forward to seeing it, as I am sure many of you are too. You can pre-order it now from


  • Matthew Olson

    As one the blessed people to be able to attend the desiring God conference, I can say the movie is worth the wait. It has a very good balance between the actual live debating and the ongoing friendship behind the scenes. I definitely recommend getting as I will too.

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