I just finished reading Danny Akin’s reflections on the recent SBC meeting. Not only does he explain why he is encouraged about what happened in Louisville, he also answers questions about Mark Driscoll and Acts29. He writes:
“It is possible years from now that we will look back on the 2009 SBC in Louisville and see it as a historic watershed moment in our history. It is possible that on the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Conservative Resurgence (CR), we will have witnessed the natural and hoped for outcome of the CR in the genesis of a new movement of God among His people in a Great Commission Resurgence (GCR) that signaled a new day in the advance of the gospel across North America and to all the nations of the earth. I know this is my heart’s cry and desire.”
Read the rest here.
Don Johnson
James Dobson is egal? That is news to me.
Rob Masters
I do not think that James Dobson is egalitarian…….
Also I thought Bill Bright attended First Baptist of Orlando when CCfor Christ moved to that city. I may be wrong!
Rob Masters
Darius T
Dobson isn’t egal, no possible way. And if he’s Arminian, it’s not a prominent part of who he is.
I agree that Dr. Dobson is not an egalitarian. It is unfortunate that Dr. Akin said this. If fact, was not Dr. Dobson the one who pulled together a meeting of leaders who cautioned Zondervan about the TNIV and gender-neutralizing Scripture? I am also under the impression that Dr. Dobson has not attended a Nazarene church for some time.
Don Johnson
Perhaps to Akins, Dobson seems like an egal? Or did he misspeak?
Rob Masters
For all the Dobsonians in the audience ….I would personally like to apologize for Dr Akins mischaracterization of the Dr.
He should know better.
Maybe we should fire him from Southeastern.
Note the proceeding statement was satire.
I am praying for you Dr Akin.
Joe Blankenship
“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”
I know God will keep His true bride but how long before He comes back? Come, Lord Jesus.
Lawlessness increases and we think that what once was unspeakable is now only bothersome or a different approach and what was bothersome is now readily embraced. As lawlessness increases we are all prone to this downgrade. If the Lord tarries what men of my generation may have swallowed hard to tolerate will be comman fare and something unthinkable will be the new edginess of ministry. You can count on it: the next generation won’t think what Acts 29 is doing is cool enough or edgy enough. We are all prone to leave the God we love. All of us are in danger of our love growing cold. It certainly “can” grow cold while we talk of great pursuits. May God raise up more courageous young men who pursue pure and undefiled religion that is both missional AND in pursuit of holiness. May God give us Christian leaders who cultivate a love relationship with the holy Lord of glory. May God give us pastors who fear dishonoring the pure and holy name of Jesus more than they long for anything else.