Christianity,  News

Congratulations to Russell Moore, President-elect of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

The SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has just announced the election of Russell Moore as its next President. Here’s the lede from the announcement on the ERLC’s website:

Russell D. Moore has been elected as the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission by the entity’s board of trustees.

Moore will follow Richard Land as the eighth president of the ERLC, which is the Southern Baptist agency dedicated to addressing social and moral concerns and their implications on public policy issues. Moore will begin his new responsibilities June 1. At that time, Land will become the entity’s president emeritus, an honor bestowed on him by trustees in September. Land announced his impending retirement in July 2012.

Upon his election, Moore commented:

I am honored and humbled to be asked to serve Southern Baptists as ERLC president. I pray for God’s grace to lead the ERLC to be a catalyst to connect the agenda of the kingdom of Christ to the cultures of local congregations for the sake of the mission of the gospel in the world.

Congratulations to Dr. Moore! He is uniquely gifted for this role, and we look forward to great things from the ERLC under his leadership in days to come.

The ERLC has put together a press-kit about their new president-elect. You can download it here.


  • Jim Ottaway

    I am not a Southern Baptist, but took note when Pastor Luter became president of the SBC. Denny (or anyone): Has there been any good impact yet of his tenure, or is it too soon to be looking for that?

  • buddyglass

    I don’t agree with Moore about everything, but almost every time I read something from him I want to high-five him. Even on those issues about which we disagree, he strikes me as an exceedingly winsome advocate for his point of view.

    Would that Moore were the public face of orthodox evangelical Christianity instead of some of the other “go to” guys.

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