• Politics

    Romney To Drop Out of Race

    CNN and Time magazine report that Gov. Mitt Romney will drop out of the race for president as early as today. Here’s the bulletin from CNN: “Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will suspend his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, GOP sources tell CNN. “A candidate may “suspend” his or her campaign rather than dropping out, and technically remain a candidate. In this case, he or she is entitled to keep any statewide pledged delegates as well as their district-level delegates. “Candidates who officially drop out must forfeit statewide delegates.”

  • Politics

    Conservative Talk Radio Hosts Back Romney

    Conservative talk-radio hosts are beginning to line-up behind Mitt Romney. They do not necessarily sound like they are excited about Mitt Romney. They sound like they are against John McCain. You can listen to Sean Hannity’s and Laura Ingraham’s endorsements below. Sean Hannity Endorsement [audio:http://hotair.cachefly.net/audio/2007-12/hannity-vote-romney.mp3] Laura Ingraham and Rick Santorum Endorsements [audio:http://hotair.cachefly.net/audio/2007-12/santorum-endorse-romney.mp3] By the way, I’m not making any endorsements. I’m just passing along the info. For an evangelical perspective on Romney, check out Wayne Grudem’s essay from last year in support of his candidacy: “Why Evangelicals Should Support Mitt Romney.” (HT: HotAir.com)

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Richard Land’s Criswell Theological Lectures

    Dr. Richard Land has been on the campus of Criswell College giving our annual Criswell Theological Lectures. Dr. Land’s subject matter derives from material contained in his new book The Divided States of America?. Audio recordings of the lectures are available here, or on the Jerry Johnson Live podcast. A local Fox News reporter came to campus during Dr. Land’s first lecture to tape a story about evangelicals and the current presidential election. The story features Dr. Land, his new book, and some students from the College. I saw the piece on television last night, and the video is available online here. Dr. Land delivered his third and final lecture…

  • Politics

    Giuliani Out: There’s Still One Pro-life Party

    Everyone who cares about protecting the unborn can breathe a sigh of relief now that Guiliani has decided to drop out of the race for President (see here). Giuliani was not able to inspire social conservatives to support his candidacy, and that is the primary reason he was not competitive once the actual votes were cast. His nomination would have effectively given Americans two pro-choice parties, and the pro-life movement would have been banished to the political margins. Thankfully, we have avoided that calamity in this cycle.

  • Politics

    The Eclipse of Bush’s Final State of the Union

    Under normal circumstances, Bush’s final state of the union address would have been the biggest story of the day (watch below or read it here). But since this marks the first time that a primary season has begun before the state of the union address, these are not normal circumstances. The state of the union was eclipsed by the news that both Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy held a rally to announce their endorsement of Barack Obama for President. Caroline Kennedy penned an Op-Ed endorsement over the weekend, but the rally provided the political spectacle. Together the Kennedy’s declared that Obama is the candidate in the mold of JFK. See…

  • Politics

    Answering Faimon about Peggy

    This post is an attempt to respond to a statement that my old friend Faimon wrote in the comment section of my previous post: “I wonder Denny, if you are going to address the comment by Peggy Noonan that GWB destroyed the Republican Party.” What Faimon is referring to is Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal column titled, “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.” In this short essay, Noonan not only says that former President Bill Clinton is destroying the Democrat Party, she also charges President George W. Bush with destroying the Republican Party. She writes:

  • Politics

    What’s Your Roe IQ?

    I’ve been talking a lot about Roe v. Wade this week, and I have presumed a lot in terms of my readers’ knowledge of that infamous Supreme Court decision. How much do you know about Roe v. Wade? This quiz is designed to tell you just that. I took the quiz and missed two of the twelve questions (numbers 10 and 12). Take the quiz, then come back and report your scores. “Roe IQ: Do you really know Roe?”

  • Politics

    Barack Obama: Abortion Should Be Legal throughout All 9 Months of Pregnancy

    Christianity Today has an interview with Senator Barack Obama on its website. Among other things, the conversation takes up the issue of abortion. In short, Obama thinks it should be legal for a woman to kill her unborn baby any time during her 9 months of pregnancy. His position is a defense of the status quo, which was set in 1973 by the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision (and its companion decision Doe v. Bolton). On this issue, Obama is not the candidate for change.