• Personal,  Theology/Bible

    McLaren, Homosexuality, and the New Testament

    I am back home in the Bayou State for the 61st Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. The meeting is in New Orleans this year, and the theme is “Personal & Social Ethics.” I will be delivering a paper on homosexuality. Here’s the title: “Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren: How the New Testament Requires Evangelicals to Render a Judgment on the Moral Status of Homosexuality” For all of you in New Orleans this week, I’d love to see you there. Here’s the place and time of my presentation:

  • Christianity,  Personal

    Kids Pray the Darndest Things

    We often snicker when my three-year-old daughter prays. She knows that she is supposed to kneel, to close her eyes, and to put her hands together. She has heard enough praying in her short life to know what kinds of words to include in a prayer. The only problem is, she hasn’t a clue how to put the words together in an appropriate way. For instance, she’s infamous in her Sunday School class for having prayed, “Lord, thank you for our sin.” Just this morning at the breakfast table, she prayed, “We thank you for God, and we forgive you.” Not exactly model prayers.

  • Christianity,  Personal

    My Sister & Family on “The 700 Club”

    My sister and her family were featured on “The 700 Club” today (see video above). It’s the story of my nephew’s ministry and near-death illness. Two details not included in the video: (1) The town Deweyville, Texas was home for our family for two years in the early 80’s; (2) Carter resumed his mercy ministry in Deweyville after he recovered from his illness. I love my sister and her family, and I am so proud of them! What’s more, I’m grateful to God for His mercy in their lives.

  • Christianity,  Personal,  Sports

    From “Christ Air” to Christ Heir

    Folks have frequently asked me about the picture of me on the skateboard in the header image of this blog. Usually the questions have something to do with whether or not the picture is real. The answer to that question is yes (though readers should know that getting a still-shot in the air is pretty easy; landing, however, is another matter altogether). Truth be known, I haven’t been a serious skateboarder since the late 80’s. This picture was taken at my parent’s home in 2005. I had decided to try my old skateboard out while visiting my folks, my friend Barry Joslin snapped a picture, and voila. I became what…

  • Christianity,  Personal

    Pray for Pastor Tommy Nelson

    The Denton Bible Church website reports that Pastor Tommy Nelson had a heart attack this morning. “As many of you have already heard, at about 10:15 this morning our pastor Tom Nelson was in the church office and developed a severe pain in his chest. Dennis Boots (a fireman and ER guy) was close by and was able to assess the situation very quickly. His wife Teresa was called and she was able to get here very quickly. “We called 911 immediately and the Fire Dept. responded very quickly. Tom was taken to the hospital and is there now getting care. As the ambulance left Tom was awake and responsive…

  • Entertainment,  Personal

    My David Letterman Story

    Last week, my wife and I were in New York City for a trip that was both business and pleasure. I had a professional meeting to attend in the city, so we came a few days early before my work began to see the Big Apple together for our anniversary. We got into town on a Thursday morning, and one of the first things I did was to ask the hotel concierge how to get David Letterman tickets. I am not so much a huge fan of Letterman anymore. In fact, I don’t even watch his show. But I used to be a faithful viewer back in the 80’s, and…

  • Christianity,  Personal

    Dr. Harold Hoehner (1935-2009)

    I just received word that one of my old professors from DTS has passed away, Dr. Harold Hoehner. The seminary has a tribute posted on their website that you should take a minute to read. Here are some random remembrances of what it was like to be his student. Dr. Hoehner was more than just a professor at DTS. He was an institution. His tenure overlapped that of four different Presidents of the school: Dr. John Walvoord, Dr. Donald Campbell, Dr. Chuck Swindoll, and Dr. Mark Bailey. Dr. Hoehner taught at DTS for 42 years.

  • Personal

    Update from SBTS: Aslan is on the Move

    It looked like C. S. Lewis’ White Witch had landed on the campus of Southern Seminary this week, bringing destruction in her wake. But Aslan is on the move. Dr. Mohler returned from being out of the country last night, and sunny skies are beginning to melt the ice and snow that you see in the video above. Even though most of the campus still has no power, our students are well-taken care of, and our spirits are high.