• Christianity,  Culture

    Abortion and the Sexual Revolution

    Dinesh D’Sousa argues that the pro-choice movement prevails—in spite of its bad arguments—because of its connection to the sexual revolution. Pro-choicers by and large are not concerned about the humanity of the unborn. Indeed, some will grant that the unborn are human beings, but they will not grant that the unborn have a fundamental right to life. Why? He answers: ‘I think it’s because abortion is the debris of the sexual revolution. We have seen a great shift in the sexual mores of Americans in the past half-century. Today a widespread social understanding persists that if there is going to be sex outside marriage, there will be a considerable number…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    No Right To Homeschool

    If you haven’t heard about this story yet, you need to read this. A court in New Hampshire has denied a mother’s right to homeschool her child. The judge said that the child “appeared to reflect her mother’s rigidity on questions of faith” and ordered the child to attend public school for the 2009-2010 schoolyear. For the full story, read here, here, and here. Last week, Albert Mohler devoted an entire episode of his radio program to this issue. Listen to it below. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/media/audio/totl/2009/AMP_09_08_2009.mp3] This ruling is nothing short of astonishing. If a court can weigh-in like this against the wishes of a child’s parent and legal guardian, then something…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Mohler and Piper on Obama’s Speech

    Albert Mohler and John Piper agree that the brouhaha over President Obama’s speech to school children is much ado about nothing. In fact, both of them commend the speech’s message. Go read their remarks. Albert Mohler – “The Obama School Speech Controversy — What to Think?” John Piper – “I Hope My Daughter Hears the President’s Speech” John Piper – “I’ve Read the President’s Speech: Amazing”

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    TNIV Is Dead . . . Sort of

    On Tuesday Zondervan, Biblica and the Committee on Bible Translation issued a joint statement announcing a new revision of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible to be released in 2011. They also announced that when the new edition is released, the TNIV will be taken off of the market. For those of you who are just joining this conversation and are wondering why this is important, let me bring you up to speed.

  • Christianity,  Music

    Boyce College Dorm Meeting Worship

    We just had an outstanding dorm meeting at Boyce College tonight. Dr. Russell Moore preached a message from James 1 (which will appear on the Boyce College blog tomorrow). Buck Buchanan is leading our worship band, and they are doing a bang-up job—really incredible. I hope they’ll record some of their music this year so that I can share it with you here. Until they do, please enjoy the album that the band produced last school year. You can download the entire album as a zip file here, or listen below.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    A Second Tornado in Minneapolis

    You have probably heard the news of what happened this week with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). At the denomination’s national meeting in Minneapolis, delegates voted to allow gay men and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as members of the clergy. Just before delegates were to debate the measure, a tornado touched-down and damaged the church in which they were meeting (as well as some other buildings nearby).

  • Christianity

    Mohler on the Future of the SBC

    Very few men could carry the mantle “elder statesman of the Southern Baptist Convention,” but I heard one today. Dr. Albert Mohler held a forum on the campus of Southern Seminary on the future of the Southern Baptist Convention. He delivered an address that he recently gave at the first meeting of the Great Commission Task Force (audio, video). This is the most lucid analysis that I have heard of the current state of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Mohler tackles the big questions that every single Southern Baptist should be wrestling with. You need to hear this one. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/media/audio/Mohler/20090819_Presidents_Forum.mp3]

  • Christianity,  Humor

    Poseur Coffee Drinking

    Owen Strachan’s bit on “poseur coffee drinking” is a hilarious and true must-read. He writes: What you find on many websites is some kind of description like this: “I love reformed theology, U2, anything by Steven Soderbergh, and a fresh cup of joe.”  Or maybe: “My interests are theology, issues of social justice, Beastie Boys, and an Americano from (fill in neighborhood coffee shop here).”  Or perhaps: “Can’t resist a good Bonhoeffer quotation, Edwardsean philosophy, and a venti mocha with light whip.”

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Opening Messages to Boyce College

    I can’t imagine a better place to be serving in academic ministry than Boyce College. This week, we kicked-off a new school year, and, after a quiet summer around the office, it is always exciting to see new and returning students bustling around campus once again. As the Dean, I had several opportunities to address these students over the weekend. I have posted one of the messages below, and the rest are available at the Boyce College website. [audio:http://www.sbts.edu/media/audio/BoycePodcast/20090809_Boyce%20Dorm%20Meeting.mp3] If you have not done so already, please sign-up for the Boyce College Podcast, or add our feed to your favorite feed-reader. There you will find weekly broadcasts of sermons from…