Owen Strachan’s bit on “poseur coffee drinking” is a hilarious and true must-read. He writes:
What you find on many websites is some kind of description like this: “I love reformed theology, U2, anything by Steven Soderbergh, and a fresh cup of joe.” Or maybe: “My interests are theology, issues of social justice, Beastie Boys, and an Americano from (fill in neighborhood coffee shop here).” Or perhaps: “Can’t resist a good Bonhoeffer quotation, Edwardsean philosophy, and a venti mocha with light whip.”
You get the point. Here’s the thing about this situation: there’s nothing ironic or unique about liking coffee. We all like coffee. Coffee is good. Made well, it’s really good. It’s kind of like saying you like bread. “Anything by Piper, Band of Horses, and Pepperidge Farm rocks my world.” Everyone likes bread. And everyone likes coffee.
This includes me. I like coffee. I like mochas with a fierce passion. I like a cappucino with dessert. Coffee is good. This, however, sets me apart from approximately no one. Coffee is one of the pleasures of this fallen world. I and a good portion of the rest of the human race enjoy it.
So, reformed hipster/progressive/student/master-of-irony, next time you consider charting your particular coffee-related beverage of choice, next time you wear it as a distinctive identity marker, remember: everyone else likes coffee. Work harder on the goatee pattern, find another brand of undiscovered denim, dig even deeper in the alternative music shop to lay hands on the truly avant-garde musical act, because your love for coffee–it ain’t getting you there.
Mike Aubrey
Ahh…but how many people roast their own beans and bake their own loaf?
Brian Krieger
I had a giggle at some of the comments on JT’s post on this.
“Maybe the only thing more cliche than enjoying coffee, in our generation, is the cliche of iconoclastic attacks on cliches.””
“With regard to coffee, all I can say is, “The woman thou hast given to me, she did give unto me and I did drink.” “
I know the “hipster/progressive” folks have their issues. We all know that. But is there a reason so many in the reformed camp write mean-spirited drivel like this?
Maybe attack the issues not the caricatures – it shows more intelligence and, ironically enough, a little more originality.
You do realize that article is actually mocking people in the reformed camp too, right?
Yep. I also realize that the article is shooting at a particular segment of that community.
I know, and I think it’s kind of a ridiculous thing to focus on, too. It’s kind of funny, but I agree it’s in a slightly mean-spirited way.
Matt Svoboda
Are your feelings hurt?
Because I have read people from progressive, reformed, and every other camp write “mean-spirited drivel” but this post certainly doesnt qualify. You are being to sensitive if you think this post is “mean-spirited drivel.”
“everyone likes coffee”
Not me…theology and a can of cheerwine on the other hand…
Paul Butterworth
As I posted on Owen’s blog, I don’t see how this is funny. Rather, it comes across as simply arrogant and worse, pointless.
GLW Johnson
This was rich!But I see from some of the comments the truth of the saying about throwing a rock into a pack of dogs and the yelping that follows.
Thanks GLW. I see your normal crass & arrogance follows wherever you go. Birds of a feather…
GLW Johnson
I can always hear you yelping.
I’m curious if your congregation knows and appreciates the tone and demeanor you consistently portray across the blogging world. Have they seen the names you have called people? Just an accountability check.
GLW Johnson
Please contact me-would you?By the way what names are you reffering to? I don’t know you and yet you have made a couple of personal nasty remarks . Obviously you are displeased with my assessment of one of the following NT Wright, Peter Enns, The Federal Vision on Emergents-maybe all of them.
GLW Johnson
I asked ‘Scott’ to contact me-but he hasn’t. Very disappointing.
My apologies for not contacting you sooner. I have been incredibly busy at work this week & have had precious time to respond.
Let me apologize in advance for the “snarkiness” of my previous comments. I was responding to your comment about “yelping dogs.” Perhaps I took the comment the wrong way. It felt needlessly antagonistic (as did the original post). Regardless, my comments were out of line and for that I sincerely apologize.
I have read many of your comments on other blogs. Many times I agree with your position & other times I do not. My issues are not with your positions! Wright can be a terrible historian (as but one example of common ground!) My issue is the manner in which you engage the opposition. I think you know some of the terms you have used to describe some of the Enns supporters.