• Christianity

    7 Thoughts on Time Management

    Doug Wilson’s “Seven Thought’s on Time Management” is distilled wisdom for life. It’s short, and it’s must-read. Here’s the outline: The point is fruitfulness, not efficiency. Build a fence around your life, and keep that fence tended. Perfectionism paralyzes. Fill in the corners. Plod. Keep at it. Slow and steady wins the race. Take in more than you give out. Use and reuse. State and restate. Learn and relearn. Develop what you know. Cultivate what you have. Read Wilson’s full explanation of each of these points here. (HT: Justin Taylor)

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Hiding Baby’s Gender

    By now, you’ve probably heard about the two parents in Canada who are keeping their infant baby’s gender a secret (read about it here or watch above). Why are they doing this? It’s not because there is any physiological ambiguity in the baby. They are doing this because they don’t want their child shoehorned into culturally defined gender stereotypes. Rather, they want their baby (whom they’ve named “Storm”) to make his/her own decisions about his/her own gender.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    John Piper Interviews Rick Warren

    Last October, I attended the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I was greatly looking forward to hearing John Piper’s Q&A with Rick Warren. As providence would have it, Warren had to cancel his appearance at the last minute and delivered a pre-recorded video message instead. I think it is safe to say that the vast majority of us were very disappointed that we didn’t get to hear Piper and Warren mano a mano.

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Piper on Minnesota Marriage Amendment

    You need to read what John Piper has to say about the proposed Minnesota marriage amendment, which would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Piper’s article would be helpful not only to Minnesotans, but also to anyone interested in understanding how Christians should think through the intersection of public policy and sexual ethics. Here’s an excerpt:

  • Christianity,  News

    Not Sitting in the Seat of Scoffers

    As I write this, it is already 6pm in certain parts of the globe, and we have no reports yet of a rapture, earthquakes, or any other cataclysmic events. So now we know from experience what we already knew from scripture. No one knows the day or the hour of the Lord’s return, and teachers like Harold Camping who claim to possess such knowledge are false prophets (Deuteronomy 18:10; Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32). Nevertheless, I have been struck by the attention that this particular false prophecy has gained in the popular culture. For instance, just yesterday morning the talking heads on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program took a moment to scoff…

  • Christianity

    The Gospel and the Gods of the Copybook Headings

    It is the season for graduation ceremonies, and I delivered my last commencement address as Dean of Boyce College just last week. I titled it “The Gospel and the Gods of the Copybook Headings.” It was based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 and a poem by Rudyard Kipling. I know, I know. Rudyard Kipling is a throwback fixture of British imperialism, and he’s often considered quite passé today. What can I say? I’m an old timey kind of a guy, and I love the poem nevertheless. I think it has a great message about holding onto old truths that won’t go away no matter how hard people try to suppress them.…

  • Christianity

    Training the Next Generation of Pastors and Other Christian Leaders

    Here is the audio from a session of The Gospel Coalition meeting last month. It’s titled “Training the Next Generation of Pastors and Other Christian Leaders,” and it features a panel discussion with Albert Mohler, Mark Driscoll, David Helm, Don Carson and Ligon Duncan. I think this one was fascinating and helpful. You can listen to the audio below or download it here. [audio:http://tgc-audio.s3.amazonaws.com/2011-conference/workshop_DriscollMohlerHelmCarsonDuncan_1.mp3]

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Being a Fruitful Pastor without Being a Plenary Speaker

    Brian Croft has some words of wisdom about being a fruitful pastor without being a plenary speaker. He writes: “Can a pastor still be fruitful if he has not spoken at a large conference? “This might appear to be a strange question, but you would be surprised at the amount of pastors asking it. Do not misunderstand, I could not be more excited about these historic movements such as The Gospel Coalition, Together for the Gospel, and others like it. Much significant work for the kingdom is being done by those who lead them. Nevertheless, a down side to these movements is an insecurity that can develop in many ordinary…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

    The Hermeneutics of Gender

    There was a lot of discussion last week of the Presbyterian Church’s (USA) decision to allow for the ordination of homosexual clergy. Christopher Cocca has an article at The Huffington Post, however, that pulls a thread that many have not picked up on. Cocca’s article is essentially about hermeneutics and the way that the Bible should inform our moral evaluation of homosexuality. But he comes at the issue from a different angle and argues that there is a connection between the ordination of homosexuals and the ordination of women.

  • Christianity

    Richard Dawkins Accused of “Cowardice”

    Renowned atheist Richard Dawkins has been accused of “cowardice” for ducking a debate with William Lane Craig. The Telegraph reports that Dawkins does not want to lower himself by debating a person like Craig. According to the article, “Prof Dawkins maintains that Prof Craig is not a figure worthy of his attention and has reportedly said that such a contest would ‘look good’ on his opponent’s CV but not on his own.” I have to agree with Dawkins on this one. Losing a debate with William Lane Craig probably would not look very good on his CV.