• Christianity

    Piper’s Prophetic Message to the SBC

    Here’s the video of John Piper’s prophetic message to the Southern Baptist Convention. It’s titled “Be a Radically God-Centered Pastor,” and it’s an exposition of one line from the Lord’s prayer, “Hallowed be your name.” As I noted yesterday, the manuscript is available as well at the DesiringGod.org website. The other messages from the SBC Pastor’s Conference are available here.

  • Christianity

    Videos of SBC Pastor’s Conference

    It looks like the videos of the SBC’s Pastor’s Conference will all be posted for free at the Conference’s Vimeo site. Speakers include John Piper, Darrin Patrick, Louie Giglio, Rick Warren, and more. As I write, eight sermons have been posted, and the rest will be uploaded very soon. Darrin Patrick’s sermon is above. For the rest, see here.

  • Christianity

    John Piper’s Message at the SBC

    The manuscript ofJohn Piper’s message to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Pastor’s Conference is now available from DesiringGod.org. It’s titled “Be a Radically God-Centered Pastor,” and it’s an exposition of one line from the Lord’s prayer, “Hallowed be your name.” The audio version of this and all the other messages will be available for purchase at a later time from SBC Tapes (yes, you read it right—tapes!).

  • Book Reviews,  Christianity

    Book Length Responses to Love Wins

    John Starke has a helpful round-up of book-length responses to Rob Bell’s book Love Wins. He notes that the one by Francis Chan is probably the highly anticipated of the bunch. He also observes the following: “These books are being published very quickly after the Bell’s book began mailing and hitting shelves. The obvious reason for this was how much the blogs dominated this discussion. Most of the notable reviews occurred within a few days of the book’s publication date. Subsequent reviews seemed dated and almost had to interact with others reviews as much as the book itself. So the speed of these publications says something of the speed of…

  • Christianity,  Entertainment,  Music

    Owl City’s Newest Drops Today

    Owl City’s sophomore release drops today. It’s the follow-up to the 2009 album containing the mega-hit single “Fireflies.” My two girls loved “Fireflies”especially the video. They don’t know that the lead singer’s name is Adam Young. They always refer to him as “the man with all his toys.” Christianity Today has an interview with Adam Young today. In the interview, Young talks about how he writes songs. He explains, “My prayer has always been, ‘Lord, just give me the songs you want me to write so I can record them, release them, put them in the can, and reflect all glory and praise back to you.” Read the rest here.…

  • Christianity

    John Owen on the Mortification of Sin

    “Be killing sin or it will be killing you… Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness who walks not over the bellies of his lusts. He who doth not kill sin in his way takes no steps towards his journey’s end. He who finds not opposition from it, and who sets not himself in every particular to its mortification, is at peace with it, not dying to it.” –John Owen, Mortification of Sin in Believers, p. 9, 14

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Where are the men?

    Owen Strachan’s reflections on the spirit of the age are spot-on. Here’s a clip: “I cannot imagine what it is like to be a single twenty- or thirty-something woman in the broader culture today.  It must be a ghastly experience.  Following feminist tenets, you’ve worked your way to a fantastic job in an ultra-urban setting.  Because you’re responsible, you’ve been able not only to save money but to buy a nice apartment.  You take care of yourself, eat good food, go to fun shows and movies, and generally live a glamorous lifestyle.  There’s just one thing missing: a good man.

  • Christianity,  News

    Teaching Gender in Public Schools

    This post is a follow-up to Monday’s post about the “genderless baby.” The worldview that motivated the Canadian couple to hide the gender of their baby can also be found a little bit closer to home—in a California public school. An Oakland elementary school contracted a group called “Gender Spectrum” to make a presentation to their students. What was supposed to be “anti-bullying lessons” for elementary children actually turned out to be indoctrination in contemporary gender theory. One news report describes it this way: