• Christianity,  Politics

    Rick Perry Dances and Prays with Rabbis

    From The Washington Post: “Lots of people are talking about a recently-undug clip of Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) dancing with a group of rabbis at a 2010 Hanukkah lighting ceremony. Perry gets his groove on around the five minute mark.” Politics aside. As a Christian, I’m much less concerned with the dancing than I am with the praying and the “Thank, you brother” that Perry adds at the end. There has to be a better way for a Christian politician to serve and to be respectful of all of one’s constituents without falling into syncretistic play-acting.

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    KJV Festival at Union University

    Union University recently hosted the “KJV400 Festival,” a conference celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version of the Bible. All reports are that the conference was a great success. The audio from the conference is now available for free download from the Union University website. I have already begun listening to the plenary sessions, and they are fantastic. I have linked them below so that you can hear them too. There are many more presentations from the breakout sessions that are available at Union’s website.

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Chuck Colson Gives a Timely Rebuke to GOP Death-Mongers

    Chuck Colson gives a needed rebuke to folks in the GOP who have been cheering death in recent presidential debates. He writes: Let me be clear: I think that there are times when capital punishment is necessary and justified. But the thought of taking another person’s life, however heinous their crimes, should give us pause. It’s never to be made lightly or causally.

  • Christianity,  News

    Rob Bell Resigns from Mars Hill

    The elders at Mars Hill Bible Church have announced that Rob Bell is resigning from the pastorate of the congregation he founded 12 years ago. Sarah Pulliam Bailey has the scoop. Here’s a bit from the statement that the elders posted on the church’s website: Feeling the call from God to pursue a growing number of strategic opportunities, our founding pastor Rob Bell, has decided to leave Mars Hill in order to devote his full energy to sharing the message of God’s love with a broader audience. It is with deeply mixed emotions that we announce this transition to you. We have always understood, encouraged, and appreciated the variety of…

  • Christianity

    Managing Social Media before It Manages You

    Micah Fries has a great little article with some practical reflections about how to manage social media. His advice breaks down under four headings: 1. Get rid of notifications.2. Get away, while not getting away.3. Real people come first.4. Embrace the dichotomy. All of these are helpful, but I found number one to be a new idea that I had not seriously considered before. I think I will be implementing it very soon. Read the rest here.

  • Christianity,  Entertainment

    The End of R.E.M., and They Feel Fine

    The band R.E.M. began playing together in Athens, Georgia in 1980. Over the last thirty-one years they have released 15 albums. They were inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007. I was a big fan, so I took note when I saw the announcement today on their website that they are calling it quits as a band. They write: “To our Fans and Friends: As R.E.M., and as lifelong friends and co-conspirators, we have decided to call it a day as a band. We walk away with a great sense of gratitude, of finality, and of astonishment at all we have accomplished. To anyone who ever…

  • Christianity

    An Excerpt from John Piper’s New Book

    Christianity Today has posted an excerpt from John Piper’s new book Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian. Here’s a snippet: Over four years later, on April 9, 1865, the war ended with the surrender of Southern general Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House. Ninety years later, when I was nine years old in Greenville, the enforced segregation was almost absolute: drinking fountains, public restrooms, public schools, public swimming pools, bus seating, housing, restaurants, hospital waiting rooms, dentist waiting rooms, bus station waiting rooms, and—with their own kind of enforcement—churches, including mine. I can tell you from the inside that, for all the rationalized glosses, it was not “separate but…