Boyce College student Alex Medina has just been featured at for winning the New York Times Jeremy Lin design competition. The contest sought to find a “graphic treatment that is both tasteful and revolutionary, like Lin himself.” Alex’s winning design is pictured at right. You Lin fans need to click on the picture, visit Alex’s site, and purchase a t-shirt.
The Times feature also explains Alex’s recent conversion to the Knicks from the Heat: “I like to say I don’t follow corporations, I follow players.” Alex is Linsane in the membrane, if you know what I mean. Read the rest of the New York Times feature here. Order the shirt here.
Congratulations, Alex! We are proud of you!
(HT: @drmoore)
A. B. Caneday
Congrats to Alex!
One more SBTS connection – The photog that took the pic that ran on the NYT site of Alex is Devin Maddox, a SBTS student.