• Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Southwestern Homemaking Degree on NBC

    The College at Southwestern’s new homemaking degree has provoked a great deal of discussion under my previous post, “Drs. Patterson Defend Homemaking Degree.” This morning I watched NBC’s “Today Show” broadcast a story on the same topic. The piece has two parts: (1) a pre-recorded report on the homemaking program including footage from the College at Southwestern, and (2) an interview with two people who have opposing views about the curriculum. Part one presents a fairly well-balanced report. In Part two, the interviewer and the woman speaking against the program dominate the conversation. They don’t give much time at all to the guy from Focus on the Family who was…

  • Culture

    Sex Tourism and Outrage

    Be outraged and appalled when you read Michael Gerson‘s shocking article on sex tourism. According to the article, one quarter of worldwide sex tourists come from America. He writes: ‘One sexual predator, when interviewed by the FBI, described his experience with foreign child prostitutes this way: “It’s like being a star. They want to try my food. They want to see what clothes I wear. They want to watch my television.” Such “stars” are the global consumers of innocence, exercising a particularly brutal form of power over the poorest, most vulnerable children on Earth.’ That “sex tourism” is even a viable industry is an indictment on the banality of our…

  • Sports

    Un-stinking-believable! Rangers Run Up the Score

    Even if you’re not a Rangers fan, you’ll want to hear about this. The Texas Rangers rolled over the Orioles today, and the final score was 30-3. No, you’re eyes aren’t deceiving you. The Rangers scored 30 runs! So much for the 10 run rule! No team has scored that many runs in a single game since 1897. This is definitely one for the books.

  • Theology/Bible

    Russell Moore’s New Website

    My good friend Dr. Russell Moore teaches a Bible Study at Ninth & O Baptist Church (my former church) in Louisville, Kentucky. The class now has a website offering a great deal of content, including audio recordings of Dr. Moore’s Sunday morning teaching. Go check it out. Here’s the link: www.DeansClass.com.

  • Politics

    The Security Evangelicals?

    Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News argues that Rudy Giuliani’s strength on national security may override concerns that evangelicals have about his liberal social views: “The Republican Party’s staunchest supporters of the war on terrorism . . . may be motivated by a candidate they believe will protect them against terrorism. In particular, that could help Mr. Giuliani overcome the conventional wisdom that a GOP dominated by Christian conservatives won’t nominate a social liberal for president. “‘The national security issues appeal to a number of evangelicals,’ said John Green, senior fellow at the Pew Forum for Religion and Public Life, who has long studied how religion motivates voters. ‘They…

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Drs. Patterson Defend Homemaking Degree

    You may have heard that the trustees at Southwestern Seminary approved a new homemaking degree for the College at Southwestern. The move has resulted in some controversy and a considerable amount of media attention (e.g., Baptist Press, AP story). Last week, Dr. Jerry Johnson interviewed the President of Southwestern Dr. Paige Patterson and his wife Dr. Dorothy Patterson about the new program. Drs. Patterson defended the program based on the Bible’s teaching about gender roles in the home. It’s an informative interview, and I think you should hear it. It’s available for download here: “Teaching the Biblical Model of the Home” – Jerry Johnson Live. Frankly, I don’t see what…

  • Culture,  Music,  Personal

    High School Musical (please forgive frivolous post)

    This is a frivolous post. But I’m doing it anyway. Is there anyone out there willing to admit that they are fans of “High School Musical”? Granted, the basketball “players” look like they can hardly even dribble, much less actually play basketball [Note to central casting: Next time you need to cast a realistic looking basketball player, try not to hire a Justin Guarini look-alike]. Talking about this movie is a capitulation to a cheesy pop culture phenomenon. But I’m still wondering who will fess up to making plans to watch “High School Musical 2” tonight? “To answer your question, it’s even better than the first one.” –Los Angeles Times…

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Another Misleading Headline about Abortion

    Did you read the big news that a new study has found that the abortion drug RU-486 is safe? TIME magazine’s title says it all: “Study Finds Abortion Pill Safe.” It helps to read the fine print because in this case the title by itself is misleading. The study actually only addressed certain long-term effects of the drug. The article goes on to say that many doctors continue to question the drug’s safety in the short term. Here’s the relevant section from the TIME article: