• Christianity

    Correction: Amend ETS on Wednesday Not Thursday!

    In my previous post in which I set forth the schedule for the Amendment debate, I posted the wrong date! The discussion and floor debate are scheduled for Wednesday evening, not Thursday evening. The corrected schedule is below. Please spread the word. Thanks. 11/19 – Wednesday 5:20-6:00pm – Van Neste, Burk, and Executive Committee discuss the proposal followed by a Q & A with audience. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom E 8:30-9:30pm – Business Meeting: Discussion of the Amendment proposal. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom 11/21 – Friday 8:30-9:00am – Business Meeting: Vote on the Amendment proposal. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom A

  • Theology/Bible

    ‘The Righteousness of God’ in Paul

    If the ground starts rumbling beneath your feet on Thursday at about 4:30pm ET, just know that it’s me reading my paper at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Providence, Rhode Island (a paper unrelated to the aforementioned amendment). For those who might be interested, here’s the abstract summary of my presentation.

  • Book Reviews,  Christianity

    Beckwith’s Book and the ETS Amendment

    Francis Beckwith’s new book Return to Rome: Confessions of an Evangelical Catholic has just been released. The new book traces his journey back to Roman Catholicism, and the last chapter deals directly with his membership in the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). Beckwith was the President of the ETS when he decided to return to the Roman Catholic Church. Beckwith said then and he contends now that he can still sign the ETS’s doctrinal statement in good conscience. He writes, “On May 5, 2007, I resigned as president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and two days later I resigned my membership, one I held for over twenty years. . .…

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Help Us Amend the ETS

    I am co-sponsoring with Ray Van Neste a proposal to amend the doctrinal basis of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). Next week the Society will meet in Providence, Rhode Island where our proposal will finally come to a vote. I am writing this blog post to get the word out to our friends who are planning on supporting the amendment. If you support our amendment and have a blog, I’m asking you to link this post to help us spread the word. The process to amend ETS’s constitution is a slow one. The founders were wise to make it that way. Ray and I began this effort in the Spring…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Carl Trueman on Growing Up (or not)

    Carl Trueman is a great writer. His latest article at the Reformation 21 website is a must-read (HT: Justin Taylor). Here’s the conclusion: “You are, of course, what you worship, as Psalm 115 reminds us, and thus, as long as we idolize our children and the culture of youth, we can expect to – well, be just like them: pouting, irresponsible, hormonal, unpleasant and, frankly, as creepy as those sixteenth century portraits of little children with adult faces. Trapped in Neverland with no hope of escape.”

  • Christianity,  Politics

    A Resolution on Protecting Human Life

    This week Southern Baptists in Kentucky passed a resolution on protecting human life (HT: Philip Bethancourt). Russell Moore was instrumental in bringing this resolution to pass, and there is much to commend in it. I particularly like the fact that it does not go along with the “abortion-is-one-issue-among-many” approach that we saw some “evangelicals” take in the recent election. It encourages treating the abortion issue as a priority. I have printed the full resolution below, but here are some of the highlights:

  • Culture,  Politics

    James Kushiner on the Election of Barack Obama

    There’s been a lot of discussion about the future of the pro-life cause in light of the election of Barack Obama. The most pointed remarks I’ve read come from Touchstone‘s James Kushiner: ‘The irony about the election of our first black president, an irony which I wish did not exist, is that while blacks have risen from the indignities and injustice of slavery in which their bodies were sold and consumed as property, and have endured segregation and second-class citizen status and racial discrimination, and have now one of their own elected to the highest office in the land, this very president-elect, Barack Obama, will increase the death toll among…

  • Personal,  Theology/Bible

    Hitchens vs. Wilson: A Collision of Lives

    Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson squared-off in a recent series of debates over atheism. Hitchens is an atheist with an acerbic wit who thinks Christianity to be a blight on society. Douglas Wilson is a Christian who wants to show the reasonableness of the Christian faith. The video above is a trailer for a forthcoming documentary that describes the debates. (HT: Justin Taylor)

  • Politics

    Change That Pro-Life People Can’t Believe In

    Many “pro-life” Obama supporters made the case before the election that abortions would decrease under an Obama administration. Such statements were always suspect, given that Obama was the most pro-abortion candidate ever to run for office. Signs that President-elect Obama will in fact continue his pro-abortion posture have already begun to emerge. The Washington Post reports on the executive orders that Obama will implement soon after he takes office. The article says, “In some instances, Obama would be quickly delivering on promises he made during his two-year campaign, while in others he would be embracing Clinton-era policies upended by President Bush during his eight years in office.” The first two…

  • Sports

    BCS Is Clear, But Best Team Is Out

    With today’s games in the rear-view mirror, it is clear to see who will be at the top of next week’s BCS rankings. Alabama will remain number one, and Texas Tech will be number two. Unfortunately, the best team in the country (the Florida Gators) will not be in the top two. Florida’s loss to Ole Miss (I still can’t figure that one out) means that they are out of the big game unless one of the top two loses one. LSU has lost every big game that it has played (Florida, Georgia, and Alabama). In two of them, they’ve gave up over 50 points per game (Florida and Georgia).…