In my previous post in which I set forth the schedule for the Amendment debate, I posted the wrong date! The discussion and floor debate are scheduled for Wednesday evening, not Thursday evening. The corrected schedule is below. Please spread the word. Thanks.
11/19 – Wednesday
5:20-6:00pm – Van Neste, Burk, and Executive Committee discuss the proposal followed by a Q & A with audience. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom E
8:30-9:30pm – Business Meeting: Discussion of the Amendment proposal. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom
11/21 – Friday
8:30-9:00am – Business Meeting: Vote on the Amendment proposal. Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom A
Garrett Wishall
Dr. Burk,
I would use a picture for the front page of Towers of you and Dr. Van Neste or just you during your ETS amendment discussion.
Thanks, Garrett Wishall, Towers Editor
Don Johnson
How did the vote go?
Matt Privett
I guess the amendment didn’t pass? No twitter/FB update about it.