• Entertainment

    Carpe Diem!

    Tim Challies posted the preceding video in his daily links list. It’s called “Love Tap,” and I think it is pretty good. I really like the song at the end. It’s by a band named Jukebox the Ghost, and the track is titled “Good Day.” The version in the video, however, is a remix by Andrew Maury. You can download the original “Good Day” track here, and the remix is available here.

  • Culture,  Politics

    Almost Half of Americans Support Banning Gay Marriage by Constitutional Amendment

    A new Associated Press poll says that “Almost half of all Americans support banning gay marriage by constitutional amendment.” But there is some schizophrenia in this poll as well. While forty-seven percent say they oppose same-sex marriage, 57 percent say that same-sex couples should receive the same government benefits as married couples of the opposite sex. That means that a good many people who oppose same-sex marriage for moral or religious reasons do not favor public policies and laws that would privilege heterosexual unions over homosexual ones. This suggests that many supporters of traditional marriage have failed to see the implications of their view for the public good. Read more…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Richard Land Argues That Perry Is No Bush

    Richard Land has an article in USA Today telling why he thinks people are mistaken to think of Rick Perry as George W. Bush redux. He writes: Many people assume Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a carbon copy of George W. Bush. Well, he isn’t. Those who either love or despise former president Bush need to understand that Perry should be neither accepted nor rejected based on their opinion of Bush. Indeed, as the nation heads with full force into the 2012 election cycle, many of Perry’s opponents in and out of the news media will try to tear down the Texas governor as “Bush, continued.” To do so would…

  • Theology/Bible

    Mohler Says Licona Undermines Inerrancy in New Book

    Albert Mohler has a critical review of Michael Licona’s book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach. While Mohler praises Licona’s masterful defense of the historicity of the resurrection, Mohler takes him to task over his interpretation of Matthew 27:51-54. Mohler argues that Licona’s approach undermines the inerrancy of scripture. Mohler concludes: Michael Licona is a gifted and courageous defender of the Christian faith, and a careful apologist of Christian truth. Our shared hope must be that he will offer a full correction on this crucial question of the Bible’s full truthfulness and trustworthiness. I will be praying for him with the full knowledge that I have been one…

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    John Piper Takes On Jim Crow

    I have been listening to John Piper’s annual Martin Luther King Day sermons for about thirteen years now. What I have found most compelling about these messages are the moments in which Piper delves into his own background as a boy raised in Greenville, South Carolina during the Jim Crow era. He has told about his home church’s vote to bar blacks from their worship services, about his mother’s heroic actions to escort black guests at his sister’s wedding when the white ushers refused to seat them, about growing up across the tracks from Jesse Jackson, who is roughly the same age as Piper and who also grew up in…

  • Christianity

    What Is a Gay Christian?

    I just saw Rachel Held Evans‘ notice of a forthcoming interview with a “gay Christian,” and at once I was struck again by the use of this peculiar phrase—”gay Christian.” For some people, this term will appear immediately to be an oxymoron. For others, it represents a view of Christian morality that has moved beyond the heterosexual norm of scripture to embrace all manner of sexual expressions. But what does this phrase really mean? When you hear it spoken or read it in print, what do people mean by it? And is it a helpful term for Christians to use? We can observe at least two definitions of the phrase…