• Theology/Bible

    John Piper at “Above All Earthly Powers”

    I have eagerly anticipated the release of the messages from the 2006 Desiring God National Conference, “Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in the Postmodern World.” The conference was held just this past weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota. John Piper, my favorite preacher on planet earth, was one of the keynote speakers, and the audio and the transcript of his message is now available for download. Dr. Piper’s text was John 17:13, and the sermon is titled “The Supremacy of Christ and Joy in a Postmodern World” (transcript, mp3) He argues that true joy in God must be founded on true knowledge of God. To the degree that the…

  • Theology/Bible

    The Confessions of a Fundamissional Dean

    I cannot commend to you highly enough two messages from Dr. Russell Moore, Senior Vice-President at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. “The Kingdom of God in the Wal-Mart Break Room: Poverty, Partiality, and the Perils of a Gentrified Christianity” “Confessions of a Fundamissional Dean” The first message is a sermon that Dr. Moore preached in August in Southern Seminary’s chapel. The second is a lecture that he gave at an event sponsored by the Theology School Council, also at Southern Seminary. The two talks are linked by a common theme: that certain sectors of evangelical and Southern Baptist life have become elitist. He sees this problem not only among some…

  • Book Reviews,  Theology/Bible

    I Steam, You Steam, We All Steam at Osteen

    Well, maybe we’re not that mad at Joel Osteen, but Greg Gilbert’s new review of Osteen’s book, Your Best Life Now, reminds us of why we are appalled at his version of “Christianity.” Greg Gilbert describes Osteen’s work this way: It should be noted clearly and widely that there is nothing Christian about this book. Yes, Osteen talks about God throughout, but it is not the God of the Bible he has in mind. Osteen’s God is little more than the mechanism that gives the power to positive thinking. There is no cross. There is no sin. There is no redemption or salvation or eternity. . . If Joel Osteen…

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    The Appearance of Partisanship

    Many evangelicals are truly political partisans. There are many others who are not partisan, but nevertheless have the appearance of a partisanship because of their consistent support for Republican candidates. For those of us who fall in the latter category, the explanation is rather simple. The Democrats and Republicans couldn’t be more polarized when it comes to the most important human rights issue of our time–abortion.I cannot improve upon Robert George’s analysis of this polarization and the effect that it has on conscientious, pro-life voters. George writes,

  • Personal,  Theology/Bible

    Congratulations to Dr. Barry Joslin!

    Congratulations to my best friend of 22 years, Dr. Barry Joslin of Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky. I found out today that Paternoster will be publishing his dissertation in their Biblical Monographs series. Barry’s book will be an important contribution to the study of the theology of the book of Hebrews. It’s titled The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews 7-10.Barry’s dissertation will be the third monograph appearing in this series by a graduate of Southern Seminary’s Ph.D. program. The other two that I know of are by Rob Plummer and Shawn Wright. So, I just wanted to give a hearty “atta boy” to Barry and to Southern Seminary.…

  • Theology/Bible

    Touchstone Editors Weigh in on the Gender Conversation

    I would like to thank three of the editors at Touchstone magazine who have taken the time to participate in the conversation that we have been having on this blog. Of course the conversation that I am referring to is the one about gender (here, here, and here). The editors are S. M. Hutchens, David Mills, and Anthony Esolen. Two posts have appeared on the Touchstone blog that refer to our debate.“Burk’s Readers On Hutchens” -by David Mills “All Flattened Things are Equal” -by Anthony Esolen This conversation started on September 7 when I wrote a brief note on S. M. Hutchens’ review of John G. Stackhouse’s book Finally Feminist:…

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Ben Witherington Puts Just War Tradition on Trial (at least implicitly)

    Maybe he didn’t intend to do this, but New Testament scholar Ben Witherington has put the “Just War” tradition on trial in his most recent blog post. Commenting on the Family Research Council’s recent summit in Washington, D. C., Witherington complains that many evangelical Christians are inconsistent when they vigorously advocate pro-life policies while supporting the war in Iraq. He writes,

  • Theology/Bible

    Biblical Patriarchy and 1 Timothy 2:12

    My wife and I have a friend from college who has asked some insightful questions in the comments section of my previous post, “Postscript on Women in Ministry.” Our friend’s questions bring to the surface some of the practical issues upon which Complementarians have yet to reach consensus. One of the chief issues that Complementarians disagree on is whether it is ever appropriate for a woman to teach Christian doctrine to men in the church.

  • Theology/Bible

    Postscript on Women in Ministry

    A spirited discussion continues under my previous post “Evangelical Gender Wars and the Authority of the Bible.” In the comments under that post, one of the items in contention is the idea that complementarians limit/restrict women who want to serve in Christian ministry.While it is true that complementarians hold that some offices and teaching situations are for qualified men only, complementarians affirm that faithful Christian women should have vital ministries within the church of Jesus Christ.

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Where were you on September 16, 2001?

    Where were you on September 16, 2001? Yes, you read the date correctly. I didn’t mean September 11. I am asking if you remember where you were five days later, Sunday, September 16, 2001.I remember where I was. I had just begun my Ph.D. studies at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, and my wife and I were still visiting churches in thearea. That Sunday, we attended Clifton Baptist Church. Dr. Tom Schreiner, my doctoral supervisor and the pastor at Clifton, delivered a message from Luke 13 and reminded us of the sobering warning from Jesus: “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). I heard a word from…