News,  Politics

Sandy Hook and Gosnell provoke questions about rights

In an article for, reporter J. D. Mullane describes what he saw at the Gosnell trial. He witnessed some of the most grisly testimony imaginable, and yet he also saw an empty press pool area. The court had set aside about 40 seats for reporters. Still, it stayed virtually empty. Mullane ponders why hardly any reporters showed up to cover the trial.

I asked one of the court staff why so few are interested.

“If you’re pro-choice, do you really want anybody to know about this,” he said, motioning to the filthy medical equipment set up in the courtroom.

It’s a good point. As saturation coverage of the Sandy Hook elementary school coverage has caused Americans to reconsider the limits of the Second Amendment, saturation coverage of Kermit Gosnell’s clinic would likely cause the same reconsideration of abortion rights.

The details are that horrifying.

Read the rest here.


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